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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. As far as I'm concerned, there is no justifiable reason to support game rage because it never leaves any good impression.
  2. Well, that goes just straight into the bin and them loosing a lot of money they are supposed to earn or make in their process if they had done it well.
  3. I have my full PC gaming set with headset too, and a Playstation 4 set with about 6 controllers.
  4. I don't have anything for easy games, they are no fun for me at all. Even if the game is short one, it must be very difficult to play.
  5. Seriously, there are figures that can't be turned down no matter the kind of love that I have on the video games.
  6. Why in the world would you force your team to relegate on purpose? There must be a consequence for doing that on purpose?
  7. I don't really think that video games can make one become an introvert but it can make an introvert become a chronic one that can't be able to adjust the personality.
  8. Like seriously, I was beginning to wonder how or what's different from doing it on either of the consoles.
  9. I'm still a newbie here if you ask me but it feels like I have been here for a very long time because I'm really enjoying my time here.
  10. I was going to say that for a prolific race game player like you, you are definitely supposed to give Dirt a try too.
  11. GTA series is a great one too with lots of cities to explore in it. I think that Assassin's Creed Revelations is one too.
  12. I didn't hear about that. Is it available on Netflix already let me check it out?
  13. I already have the game and from my experience with playing the game Mario Kart 8 Duluex on Nintendo Switch, it's one hell of a game.
  14. I think that it was the Assassin's Creed Revelations that I didn't find that easy to play no matter how much I tried.
  15. Game companies are really killing a whole lot of their remakes with how they do go about it. Just like Rockstar that have one of their Remake done by a 3rd party company.
  16. You can take a recommendation, it's something that I can very easily recommend for you to get and play. It's not like the old Mario games, you will definitely enjoy it.
  17. If the game system is that easy, you wouldn't need much time to get along with playing it.
  18. Haha, it was actually why they had to make the wireless controllers to put an end to the ripping 😂.
  19. I have missed playing Gran Turismo, so I had a little fun with Gran Turismo 6.
  20. What's your favorite Gran Turismo racing series? The Gran Turismo 6 seems to be the best for me.
  21. Yes exactly, it doesn't seem right for it to regenerate on its own without you doing something about it but new gamers wish everything would made easier for them.
  22. Looking at gaming niche, it's something that's very interesting in a way that even though the social media sites are getting dominant by the day, it's still surviving.
  23. Two years and it's off is a long time to keep a console without playing it considering when you bought it as well.
  24. There are so many competitive brands out there, so they will always offer their customers discounts in order to keep them.
  25. I have that feeling already and it's part of the reason I can't have myself wasting my time on their FIFA games all over again.
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