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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It's actually why you would never see me nagging over a game when I get a beat down especially when I want to play at the most difficult level.
  2. Fortunately for my cousin who visited last weekend, today was my off day at work and we played Ghost of Tsushima almost all day long.
  3. When there was a good encouragement in the God of War with Kratos and his son Athreus, it would definitely get better in God of War Ragnarok.
  4. Not all old folks are really that deep into video games playing now ever since so many of them have been affected by the pandemic of coronavirus.
  5. The producers and developers of Ghost of Tsushima said something about eliminating all manner of microtransactions in their next Ghost of Tsushima Legends. Let's see how that goes.
  6. It's only the ones that are available on my SEGA Genesis and Saturn back then that I really still have a big thing for.
  7. I have not played that kind of game in a long while till I saw that trailer, I rushed and got the game as quickly as possible.
  8. Personally, I don't really care much about FIFA and their games anymore and I hope others see through them soon enough and follow suit.
  9. Seriously, no one likes anything forced in the video game that they play, so the same thing is applicable to the game's tutorials.
  10. Yeah, it's a decision that I'm very convinced that l would be stuck with for a long time unless EA changes.
  11. Star Wars Battlefront is definitely not a new game and it's a game that's very popular as far as I'm concerned. I have played the part 2 of it as well.
  12. I used to enjoy playing the game very well because it is one kind of a racing game that is interconnected with football that you hardly see these days.
  13. Of course I believe that they always do it because it offers their customers an opportunity to have more trust in them.
  14. Even if he doesn't win it, it's going to add more content to the forum which makes it a very nice place to have a lot of conversation to discuss on.
  15. With only seeing that this game is on Sega console it's making me fall in love with it immediately because Sega is one of my favourite consoles back then.
  16. I don't really think so because if you are all ordering from the same online store is definitely going to be the same thing.
  17. Some gamers are really twisted in such a way that they don't really know what's good for them which is why it is very important that if it's a situation whereby they have a guardian who will look into them to observe them, it's going to do them some good.
  18. It was actually the same feeling that I had when I was playing demon soul and I had to struggle so much before I was able to adapt to the gameplay.
  19. I have this habit of not going back to your video game that when it was released initially and it is not exactly what was expected and they had to go and fix it.
  20. You are actually very correct because one good source is far more important that have 120 useless sources where you get useless information that is not going to be helpful to you.
  21. I believe so as well because when you look up how people make use of their wireless console controllers, it gives them absolute freedom on how they play their games without any restrictions.
  22. Not all games are built the same way which is why I believe that tutorials are very important to games because it's going to throw more light to how you can play the game.
  23. If I happen to come across a gamer that's well-attended and mature with his gameplay and manners even when losing, then I wouldn't hold back chatting with him.
  24. From the long list that you have just narrated here, it's very obvious that you are indeed a big fan of racing games. It's only Dirt that I played which you didn't play.
  25. Definitely @Family sedanhave played it more then anyone else in the forum. Need for Speed have been one of my favourites.
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