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Posts posted by Boblee

  1. On 10/16/2019 at 9:03 PM, kingpotato said:

    I remember playing Bully back in the ps2, it was an odd game, there are news saying that Bully 2 actually existed and was playable but the project was scrapped by rockstar.

    What are your thougts about Bully or are you expecting the sequel?

    I haven't really played the game Bully although I've heart about it a few years back which I wasn't pressured enough to get it. What's the gameplay like ?

  2. On 11/22/2021 at 3:50 PM, Justin11 said:

    If I have the option to move over to the next level I'll simply do that. But most of the video games I've played via my PS3 console is simply not possible, you need to finish a particular level before unlocking another. 

    If the glitches stops my progress in the the game,  It's definitely going to be very useless trying to play it all the time instead of moving on to the next option if it is made available for me to skip it.

  3. 18 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Gone are the days when gamers will take anything that you offer to them because they have actually seen that video games company can actually offer better which is why when you offer something that is not up to standard they will kick against it and move to the best brand that is an alternative.

    Seriously, it's like making Red Dead Redemption 2, Skyrim, Battlefield 2042, Hitman 3 and so much more to have a poor graphics. No one would ever play them now. 

  4. 18 hours ago, Heatman said:

    That's actually the very best way for me to learn more about how to play any games because when I play with someone better than me, I am definitely going to learn a few things from him. 

    Someone better in gameplay than you will always have something new to teach you, but that's if you are very eager to learn and drop the pride. 

  5. On 11/7/2021 at 11:08 PM, Head_Hunter said:

    Provided it stays cool near the bottom left corner or right corner, without being annoying and distorting my fun playing games, I wouldn't worry about it. 

    If the Quest markers  are straight dead on point, it's definitely going to be very helpful in aiding the gamer to complete the game as quickly as possible. 

  6. 19 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    That's it. It can only happen to me that way when I'm away from home, where I can't make use of my console, that's when I'll consider playing with my smart phone. 

    The convenience of playing with one's smartphone anywhere and at anytime is the main reason why I would keep playing with it every now and then. 

  7. 18 hours ago, Heatman said:

    It is not really a laughing matter because these guys have been so frustrating to the point of paranoia with how they handle a lot of things that is associated with their business activities when it comes to what gamers want and what they're supposed to do and actually doing. 

    They don't really care and that's the cold truth. And if you look at it very closely, there's nothing much we could do about it but decline buying the games but some gamers would always buy it. 

  8. 17 hours ago, Heatman said:

    I would have really been surprised if Sony haven't made any plans on how to get the VR headset very functional with their PlayStation 5 hardware because it's something that the hardware is supposed to come with that offers great features for gamers. 

    Exactly - they would have been giving their competitors an opportunity to take their customers with offering of warranty on their products. 

  9. 17 hours ago, Heatman said:

    The truth is that most people don't really take the time to read all those terms and conditions that is associated with any application or platform before they agree to it which is why when something like this comes up they wouldn't really have any case because you already agreed to the terms and condition. 

    I'm very guilty of this act and I believe that at least over 60% of gamers and applications users don't read all the terms and conditions before clicking on "I Agree". 

  10. 17 hours ago, Heatman said:

    If you have a lot of people who are your close friends that are actively playing games, it's definitely going to be very hard for you to play alone at your house all the time. 

    That's exactly the way it was with me when it comes to gaming when I was still in college. My friends literally drag me from house to house. 

  11. 17 hours ago, Heatman said:

    I have already given up on playing any FIFA games series in the future from now henceforth because I'm very sick and tired of their crap. 

    Seriously, I'm never going to fault anyone who ups and decide to quit playing FIFA games because they have reached their breaking point with the crap from EA. 

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