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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. The panel that was set up to make inquiries to the case didn't get anything to hold Mark Zuckerberg with and so, the end of the inquisition.
  2. Exactly, it's definitely going to be very helpful for me to know exactly and very well how to manipulate the VR headset when I get to own it.
  3. Seriously, that's the bad part of what most of these videos games companies are doing that's really frustrating. They will never copy good practices but the bad ones.
  4. It would definitely be a huge let down on their part when they don't offer any warranty on their products that are cost more than $1,000.
  5. It's better to not play at all than play and put your health at risk. It's definitely not worth it by a long stretch.
  6. Customers are always attracted to discount sales even when it's just 10% discount, they will all rush the sales.
  7. It's only on rare occasions when I'm at home that I get to play with my smartphone especially when I can't face the console or PC 💻 seat.
  8. It's all up to once experience with playing some certain games that will truly teach them exactly how the game is built.
  9. The size of the characters in the gameplay would always be that good to appreciate it more than when you watch and play in 24 inches television.
  10. It's the information that you are getting from the sources that matters and not the device that you are using to contact the source.
  11. As much as I enjoyed playing Mario games when I was still a teenager I also enjoyed playing Donkey Kong as well which is a very fantastic game that I believe that some newbies to video games actually play today.
  12. Personally, I never really knew that it's something that is possible for Facebook to do when it comes to selling your data until the case of Cambridge analytical came out which it was further explain very well that it's signed and the terms and condition of the social media network when you register.
  13. It is exactly what is going on with those that are actually pre-ordering video games and consoles as well because they really have the cash to throw around on like gamers who are always finding it difficult to purchase any new games once it comes out.
  14. There are some gamers who don't really like to play in their own house but prefer to play at their friends place because it's always fun to play together than playing alone.
  15. I personally know very well that it's something that you would be very interested in because you mentioned a while ago that is the kind of television size that you are interested in.
  16. Thank you very much for sharing the games video at least it's vivify more lights for me on exactly what the game is all about so I can easily be able to decipher what the gameplay would be like for those who played it.
  17. That is exactly the point of stressing the fact that when you keep on repeating the same thing that is hundred percent the same with what you played before it's going to bore you to hell because there will be no fun in doing that.
  18. That is exactly what I'm saying which is that there are some bugs and glitches that shouldn't be allowed to exist in videogames but EA decides to overlook them.
  19. If it's a good thing that they are learning from each other and copying good policies then it's something that can be justified on like copying something that is only going to be a huge detriment to gamers.
  20. Game companies already knows that this tutorials are going to be very handy for a lot of people who don't understand how to play a new game that they got which is why they make sure it comes with most video games.
  21. I have already bookmarked the page to read more about how make use of the VR headset when I get my own PlayStation 5.
  22. I just checked out the game on YouTube now to watch out how it's trailer of gameplay is all about and it seems like something that would be very interesting for me to get into.
  23. I actually believe that there is no fun in doing that when you don't really have the desire to play a game rather than keep on skipping it whenever you get to a path that seems to be difficult.
  24. Personally, I also like to make use of game tutorials one at a time when I really need a capable instruction on how to play a game that I am very new to.
  25. That is very true what you said about nursing home being a very boring which having a video game for old people that are there would add some more fun and light into their daily activities.
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