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Posts posted by Boblee

  1. 3 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Hmm, it's very much pathetic indeed that Facebook allowed such to occur. We signed and agreed to such terms unknowingly which resulted in data sales to third party. No wonder Mark became so famous and rich. 

    The panel that was set up to make inquiries to the case didn't get anything to hold Mark Zuckerberg with and so, the end of the inquisition. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    It's good to copy good policies and not good enough copying something detrimental and ruin to their video game progress, like the micro-transactions via online game. 

    Seriously, that's the bad part of what most of these videos games companies are doing that's really frustrating. They will never copy good practices but the bad ones.

  3. 3 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Yes, and that makes Sony very much popular and trusted. Because they offer warranty of their products, which shows they offered the best products to customers. 

    It would definitely be a huge let down on their part when they don't offer any warranty on their products that are cost more than $1,000.

  4. 19 hours ago, Heatman said:

    I don't really know if anyone is worried about the device that they are using to reach out to their sources where they get their reviews as long as it gets them exactly what they are looking for based on the video games reviews that day after.

    It's the information that you are getting from the sources that matters and not the device that you are using to contact the source. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Is very awful to sell your users data without their notice or permission before authorizing the data sales. I simply detest such act from any social media or website that practice it. 

    Personally, I never really knew that it's something that is possible for Facebook to do when it comes to selling your data until the case of Cambridge analytical came out which it was further explain very well that it's signed and the terms and condition of the social media network when you register.

  6. 17 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    The rich is the people controlling the good things of the world. When you aren't rich, you simply won't have it all to make yourself happy, just as I'm not having the best things to make me happy. E.g being PS4 or PS5 console. 

    It is exactly what is going on with those that are actually pre-ordering video games and consoles as well because they really have the cash to throw around on like gamers who are always finding it difficult to purchase any new games once it comes out.

  7. 17 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Yes, you answered it. I played at my friend's place recently, because we are closer at college, I simply go to his house and have that fun playing those games especially Ghost of Tsushima and Hitman III. 

    There are some gamers who don't really like to play in their own house but prefer to play at their friends place because it's always fun to play together than playing alone.

  8. 18 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Personally, I wouldn't really mind having a television of that size or bigger because I'm a fan of it bigger TV screen because it makes me to see every tiny details in everything that I'm watching.

    I personally know very well that it's something that you would be very interested in because you mentioned a while ago that is the kind of television size that you are interested in.

  9. 16 hours ago, Sharon said:

    It was an RPG and yes it was on the PS1 that I played it on.  Other than Final Fantasy I didn't really have much exposure to this type of video game.


    Thank you very much for sharing the games video at least it's vivify more lights for me on exactly what the game is all about so I can easily be able to decipher what the gameplay would be like for those who played it.

  10. 16 hours ago, Sharon said:

    There's something very relaxing about doing familiar things in a game. I wouldn't want it to be exactly the same because yes that would be boring. However, if it's a farming game for example, as long as the quests ask for different types of crops that would be just enough change to keep it interesting I think! I think that's why I enjoy playing Farm Together so much (it has a fantastic music score, so relaxing) the graphics are nice, the gameplay is simple and it helps me unwind mentally. 🙂

    That is exactly the point of stressing the fact that when you keep on repeating the same thing that is hundred percent the same with what you played before it's going to bore you to hell because there will be no fun in doing that.

  11. Just now, Justin11 said:

    That's a glitch, I know they made mistakes when it comes to programing the AI referees in the game. EA also failed to test those game before release, they take the blame from such downside of the game. 

    That is exactly what I'm saying which is that there are some bugs and glitches that shouldn't be allowed to exist in videogames but EA decides to overlook them.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    They learn from each other, and copy from each other too. That's why you're seeing those two gaming company copying or acting similarly to each other. 

    If it's a good thing that they are learning from each other and copying good policies then it's something that can be justified on like copying something that is only going to be a huge detriment to gamers.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    Yeah, the game tutorial will really enable any new game to get acquainted with the game controls and master how to apply them in-game. 

    Game companies already knows that this tutorials are going to be very handy for a lot of people who don't understand how to play a new game that they got which is why they make sure it comes with most video games.

  14. 1 minute ago, Justin11 said:

    I read from starting to end of the article you shared concerning the imminent development of Sony next gen VR headphone. It will simply be worthwhile to see the VR headphone being introduced, that will bring enormous feature into PS5 console, that will attract more sales. 

    I have already bookmarked the page to read more about how make use of the VR headset when I get my own PlayStation 5.

  15. 17 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    But if you're just too lazy to make your own progress, then @Empire said it perfectly. Why even own or bother playing the damn game?

    I actually believe that there is no fun in doing that when you don't really have the desire to play a game rather than keep on skipping it whenever you get to a path that seems to be difficult.

  16. 1 minute ago, Justin11 said:

    Yes, the use of tutorials enables a novice gamer to get going with a video game he or she is playing for the first time. I use the training feature too to train myself mastering the controls of the game. 

    Personally, I also like to make use of game tutorials one at a time when I really need a capable instruction on how to play a game that I am very new to.

  17. 15 hours ago, Jayson said:

    I suppose an older person would have to try harder - as with anything else.  Nonetheless, honestly, I figure nursing homes are quite boring, lol - so gaming would be good to get into.  What is the gaming scene there?  I'm sure some people game - considering the older generation has been around video games.   How advanced are the games - or do they prefer simple Nintendo games or something?

    That is very true what you said about nursing home being a very boring  which having a video game for old people that are there would add some more fun and light into their daily activities.

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