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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Having a Mario game as your display picture says a lot that you are a very big fan but it is actually a disappointing thing that you don't really get to understand this particular game of Mario that you bought which you felt like it was a rip off.
  2. I know very well that a lot of gamers who aren't into game's pre orders don't really fancy how these companies handle it but you can't really blame them savvy!!
  3. I do get the point that you're trying to make which is that they need to go out door and explore other options for having fun and not get cooked up in doors playing only video games.
  4. You can always make use of the game's tutorials and kick off your play. It's not that too difficult to get your way around the game.
  5. There is a very good possibility that you can actually get it cheaper from other online stores but Amazon. Amazon used to sell their products costly.
  6. I just had to look further because I was kind of not really sure if the PS5 is compatible with VR and Sony already did make that possible. https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/23/22296998/sony-ps5-next-gen-vr-headset-virtual-reality-features
  7. I do agree with you that they are different kind of feelings you experience when you are heartbroken 💔 and feeling bad for what you did.
  8. The money does solve a lot of problems for a lot of people who can lay their hands on them. If I get paid for playing games, I would most likely play more than 10 hours in a day.
  9. Their usage of microtransactions is actually the same thing which begs the question if they copy each other with that policy?
  10. What happens to programing the AI referee to officiate and hand ball and issue a yellow or red card since they already put the program for players to handle balls?
  11. If it's that way, then it's not a big deal for the players who play it as the microtransactions doesn't hinder one's play. But it would be like pay to win.
  12. I'm very sure that most new video games consoles come with at least a minimum of 2 years warranty. PS5 offers that privilege to its buyers.
  13. What Capcom have been doing with Resident Evil have been boring of late. The older Resident Evil games were a little better than the remakes we get now.
  14. When you get beaten and learn in the process, it's always going to be worth it because you will have something to show for it.
  15. What useless game that LJN created all in the name of video game and I don't really think a lot of people would fancy this kind of video game at all because he looks wonky.
  16. The only thing that the rage is going to do is always get me frustrated with the game that I'm playing which is not really a healthy way of playing video games as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Four months of gameplay isn't really that much when it comes to what a lot of people have invested a lot of time in so many other games that they play which I believe that you are going to complete yours sooner than later.
  18. It's the same thing all over the world when it comes to Black Friday's Deals. They take advantage their customers needs and cut prices to push them into active and more buy.
  19. Do people still play blur video games these days? I don't think so and should a video game company make such a game now, they will be kicking themselves off the market.
  20. Personally to me phones aren't meant to play it when you're at home. The consoles are there for your go to.
  21. There was a friend of mine who bragged so much about being so good till I get him to play Dark Souls, he was humbled.
  22. Most of these game companies are always in the habit of copying other game's companies and even movies as well. Most of them are out of ideas and originality. Look at Bethesda with Skyrim, they copied a lot of other brands like Merlin, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and so much more. So, I'm not surprised with how Capcom have been degenerative with the RE franchise.
  23. Whether you are making use of your mobile phone or PC computer or laptops, you will get the same thing from the source you're reaching out to.
  24. I don't know the reason why some people would feel like like it's their right to impose and decide what others play. I'm like what's going on with them.
  25. Exactly, I try as much as I can to stick to one review or two reviews sources as well. It does me more better than bad. In fact, I prefer a friend's recommendations better.
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