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Posts posted by Boblee

  1. 15 hours ago, Jayson said:

    I had bought Paper Mario, but couldn't understand it at all.   Also the same was true with Ray Man.   Maybe somebody can get something out of them, but they seem like rip-offs.  I guess I wasn't doing something right.  Someone had to enjoy them - for them to be so popular, maybe, lol.

    Having a Mario game as your display picture says a lot that you are a very big fan but it is actually a disappointing thing that you don't really get to understand this particular game of Mario that you bought which you felt like it was a rip off.

  2. 1 minute ago, m76 said:

    Quite frankly the playing favorites by gaming companies repulses me. It makes me feel like a second class citizen. When so called influencers get weeks early access to games. It is their way of controlling the narrative, as long as the influencer has good things to say they get early and privileged access. If anything this practice makes me less interested in games.

    I know very well that a lot of gamers who aren't into game's pre orders don't really fancy how these companies handle it but you can't really blame them savvy!! 

  3. 15 hours ago, Jayson said:

    Critics of video games say kids aren't getting enough exercise. Of course, no exercise might be a major culprit in depression and other health problems.  Anyway, I'm not to the extreme to get rid of games, but kids need to get into physical activity.

    Yeah, of course, gaming is fun - so would eliminate depression to various degrees.

    I do get the point that you're trying to make which is that they need to go out door and explore other options for having fun and not get cooked up in doors playing only video games. 

  4. 10 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    I am still a novice playing Ghost of Tsushima, it will take some time for me to master the act of playing the game. Because, the console i played at isn't mine, I need to install the game in order to catch up with its controls. 

    You can always make use of the game's tutorials and kick off your play. It's not that too difficult to get your way around the game. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition still being at the price of $207 is actually very expensive in my opinion that I wouldn't really consider getting it for any reason whatsoever.

    There is a very good possibility that you can actually get it cheaper from other online stores but Amazon. Amazon used to sell their products costly. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    If PS5 console feature VR option, it will simply make the video game console the best in the world, and more arguably again. It will be more expensive than before. 

    I just had to look further because I was kind of not really sure if the PS5 is compatible with VR and Sony already did make that possible. 


  7. 17 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Let's actually leave the ladies and relationship out of this one because  they are practically different but it when it comes to emotions that keeps boiling over as a result of bad things happening to people in video games it's quite different.

    I do agree with you that they are different kind of feelings you experience when you are heartbroken 💔 and feeling bad for what you did. 

  8. 17 hours ago, Heatman said:

    With most people have actually lost their job as a result of the pandemic of coronavirus affecting most companies and businesses everyone is in a dire situation right now when it comes to money.

    The money does solve a lot of problems for a lot of people who can lay their hands on them. If I get paid for playing games, I would most likely play more than 10 hours in a day. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Laughs, what do you want the virtual and AI referee to do? He's not real human, and it wasn't programmed perfectly. But at times, humans make bad officiating too. 

    What happens to programing the AI referee to officiate and hand ball and issue a yellow or red card since they already put the program for players to handle balls? 

  10. 10 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    It's a complete disaster indeed, purchasing a video game and not using it for long before it's premature breakdown. Already new devices comes with warranty, you can simply seek for refund or change of device. 

    I'm very sure that most new video games consoles come with at least a minimum of 2 years warranty. PS5 offers that privilege to its buyers. 

  11. 18 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Most of the video games remakes that they are making right now aren't really worth it with a lot of mixed up and non originality in the games that they make that throws it out the balance just like what is happening with the game franchise of resident evil.

    What Capcom have been doing with Resident Evil have been boring of late. The older Resident Evil games were a little better than the remakes we get now. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Crazycrab said:


    Well there was LJN who published the Karate Kid game on NES...



    ...You should probably be thankful they aren't doing this again.

    What useless game that LJN created all in the name of video game and I don't really think a lot of people would fancy this kind of video game at all because he looks wonky.

  13. 9 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    I always try my best, to avoid raging while I'm having fun that will make me wanna quit. I simply prefer to play and having fun and forgetting about raging or feeling very bad due to mixed time with a particular game. 

    The only thing that the rage is going to do is always get me frustrated with the game that I'm playing which is not really a healthy way of playing video games as far as I'm concerned.

  14. 18 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Currently I'm actually playing GTA 5 for at least four months right now and I am nearly to its completion which I'm trying to complete before this year runs out.

    Four months of gameplay isn't really that much when it comes to what a lot of people have invested a lot of time in so many other games that they play which I believe that you are going to complete yours sooner than later.

  15. On 11/20/2021 at 8:16 AM, Candy Stick said:

    Long rant ahead...


    I basically decided to stop caring about the franchise due to online trolls, and overall, Capcom's mismanagement of certain games and characters. And, well, personal issues has made me just not care any longer, since life is short.

    For a number of years, I feel like Capcom hasn't been fully honest with their fans. For instance, they stole art work for the games, and were legally threatened. And by the way, they ripped off a bunch of movies and games, for RE7 especially, which didn't really feel like a RE game anyway. The Molded look so basic, because Capcom just wanted a new creature design that was plain easy to make on the screen. They just wanted to copy [i]Outlast[/i] type games as well, and probably due to the fact that [i]Silent Hills[/i] was cancelled into the bargain, they wanted to change over to the first person perspective. Yet everybody praised it. Although personally, it was strictly okay to me, but nothing like the classic games. Even RE6 (which I know many fans dislike) is more of a RE game than 7 is, because it had zombies, and many returning characters were featured. Perhaps a critical failure, but more in line with what RE used to provide than with 7, and especially 8. Plus, the C-Virus makes you think of the T and G-Viruses, because of the name. But yep. It could also remind you of COVID-19, so oops.

    RE8 (aka [i]Village[/i[) is not necessarily so crap, I would not recommend it. But it's very underwhelming as a RE game. Feels mostly like an action game with Chris at least looking like Chris (instead of that lame new actor they got for the ending scene and DLC in RE7), but now he is making dumb, headstrong decisions and concealing info from Ethan Winters (the faceless new "face" of RE) just to pad out the story, and the bosses are laughable, even for RE standards. Like, a mutant baby, vampires, a robot, and a living doll are your antagonists this time around. Like, yeah, okay. RE4 had ogres and a pirate midget, and there was also a statue based on the pirate that somehow activates, and you have to run away, and the two games are similar, because of a village, a castle and a merchant being present. 

    Now in my opinion, new RE Games are simply not terrifying. RE entries 1, 2, 3, 0, CV and the early spin offs had atmosphere and a good story. The new games hardly have any music or that same feeling of dread and eerieness. The game practically has a shopping system in it so you can go all Rambo on everything. So that's not even scary. If you have enough cash at hand, it's a breeze to survive, when all you need to do is find the Duke or the Merchant, and flog them treasures. 

    And nostalgia often hurts this series; I honestly don't know how many times Capcom has revisited Raccoon City and the year 1998. Even that upcoming movie is going back to that year, as if Capcom does not have the balls to move to another era. Like, come on. Move things ahead, and stop doing remakes that suck, because you leave out enemies like the spiders and the crows, half bake it, and rush them out. And I cannot say a RE4 remake even interests me, because that game wrecked the survival horror genre to a degree, and if they remake it, people will soon notice all the missing stuff, because I know Capcom will change up the whole game, potentially ruining it. But I'm not really a guy who can proclaim to loving RE4, but it's still an impressive enough game. It's just nothing like the older ones. But thesaunderschild has failed to persuade people otherwise...

    Now for the RE2 and 3 remakes, the story should have been identical to the older games, and the 2002 remake was way more faithful. Why leave out Barry, for example? Wasn't he supposed to save Jill and Carlos!? 😞

    [i]Resident Evil: Revelations 2[/i] is a noted rip off of [i]The Last of Us[/i], because of the first Bloater fight. You even leave via a window after it ends. Except that huge hulking thing is called a Vulcanblubber, that launches fire rather than fungal spores. But it's just the same boss battle, really. And they also copied the father-daughter theme, and there's a winter section where you shoot rabbits. So um, yeah. Nobody can deny that Capcom did not copy Naughty Dog's ideas. That's just stupid, and suggests they lack any originality anymore. However, this kind of rant normally falls on deaf eyes on places like GameFAQs, and they'll come at people all guns blazing if you say s*** about games they appreciate. 

    My mouse is wonky. 

    Most of these game companies are always in the habit of copying other game's companies and even movies as well. Most of them are out of ideas and originality. Look at Bethesda with Skyrim, they copied a lot of other brands like Merlin, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and so much more. So, I'm not surprised with how Capcom have been degenerative with the RE franchise. 

  16. 19 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Exactly, it's better to stick with one or two correct sources when it comes to where you get your reviews in to have your hands wrapped around what you are making use of. 

    Exactly, I try as much as I can to stick to one review or two reviews sources as well. It does me more better than bad. In fact, I prefer a friend's recommendations better. 

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