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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Shagger did with his own pre order which I can't remember the game and from his explanation, it was worth it.
  2. Exactly, and it's why I decided to drop out of the contest knowing fully well that it's not something I could win.
  3. Personally, I believe that it's something that most people would struggle with playing but when used for a long time, they will get used to it.
  4. As long as it's not Corona virus, she's definitely going to recover. Even if it's still the virus, people still recover from it. Be strong mate.
  5. If they are making money and gamers are making money as well as having fun, everyone is happy.
  6. The question that I always ask myself is that should I break my console or controller, would it solve the problem and the answer is always NO.
  7. I don't think that there is any gamer who joined and played Dark Souls for the first time and went on straight to complete it without taking some time to off.
  8. Most smartphone's batteries lately don't really last that long over a period of time. Even the 6000 mAh don't last to my satisfaction.
  9. Yeah, they have been good at it for a while now, and it's something that's expected because things are well advanced now.
  10. It's not only Amazon that does that. It's very much the same marketing and selling selling strategy all online merchant stores make use of to increase their sales.
  11. To be very honest with you, I don't doubt it that it took you almost 2 years to complete playing Dark Souls 1. I jumped right into Dark Souls 2, and didn't need anyone to tell to go back and start from 1.
  12. That's the best way to go if you look at the effects of allowing your gaming emotions take over you. It never ends well for both parties.
  13. That's something which I wouldn't dispute at all because the addiction takes over completely leaving them acting like zombies.
  14. It's actually the fun in it. Yes, I get it that at the time when you're still learning, it's never really easy at all and they don't care about your feelings 😂.
  15. They have been in the business of gaming for too long that even when they do trash, they still get those that are licking their ass.
  16. Yeah, that's the only good part to the issue with the oven. It came with 2 years warranty and I had it returned and replaced as well as delivered free of charge.
  17. It's what some fanboys do when it comes to their favorite games or consoles. They will practically condemn all other options they aren't into.
  18. I have been checking out the game for a while now but the level of microtransactions in the game is really too much if you ask me.
  19. Even the FIFA 22 isn't worth it to play believe me. I saw a bug yesterday in one's gameplay where the ball disappeared all of a sudden like how's that possible?
  20. I do think that EA and Ubisoft are two birds of the same feathers when it comes to their practices. It seems like they are copying from the same book.
  21. Anyone or gamer who says he or she doesn't need the extra cash must have a big source of income to cover up for everything.
  22. You are just being too dramatic for a man buddy. How can you cry for what goes on in movies or video games? Girls must have really broke your heart a lot I guess 😂.
  23. You don't even need to stress it mate with how bad depression is in or for someone's health. They don't sleep or eat well that eventually lead to their death.
  24. I know very well that it's actually available on smartphone as well as PC. I play it first on PC though when I was still in collage.
  25. I actually expected the PS5 console to come with a VR set but it didn't but hopefully they will incorporate that in their next console.
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