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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition is still a good console for those who really like to play on classic hardware. It's still sold at $207 on Amazon.
  2. It took me a while for me to login back in to my account when that Distributed denial-of-service attacks took place. It even affected some forums as well.
  3. I have learnt how to play so much games with someone directly and it never disappoints. Don't fret it, you will soon master how to use the bow and arrows while playing Ghost of Tsushima.
  4. Oh! They are even a game company to say the least. With being like Konami, it would be when Konami hit the rock bottom with their games I guess.
  5. To be very honest with you, I would really have hated myself more if I had destroyed my console controller as a result of the game.
  6. Just like how Noctis died in Final Fantasy 15 but still managed to achieved his goals right?
  7. Seriously, I'm really impressed with how things go on here and by the looks of it, it's definitely going to keep on growing for the better.
  8. How a gamer blame the game or others for the outcome of his decisions on how to play a particular game? It does not work like that.
  9. My parents loved me very much and did everything to make sure that I'm happy including playing video games with me.
  10. With God of war, I think that you get that quite a lot from the companion of Athreus the son of Kratos.
  11. Yeah, that's really true. It's a bad sight and a very cold act towards humanity. There was nothing cool about that at all.
  12. You saw that jump and spin with the way Mario grabbed his wheels when doing that, it's incredible. I really enjoyed doing that in the race 🏎.
  13. I knew that's a fact dead on. I think that it's on PC gamer that I saw an analysis of all the open world games and their ranking first.
  14. Facebook!!! Naah mate. I never really liked that social media platform for anything whatsoever. I would Rae rather Twitter than Facebook.
  15. It's the same thing mate. When you get bored or the games that you are playing keep frustrating you, it's better to take time out and sleep.
  16. Yeah, that's the way to go because once you have your controllers in good playing condition, then it's no use getting another one.
  17. To be very honest with you, 146 inches Samsung television is too much for me. Although, I know some people would like it in the person of @Heatmanwho said he never saw 100 inches TV.
  18. I have no idea what or even when GTA 6 would be made. In fact, I'm not even thinking about it it yet because it's completely off the charts of Rockstar now.
  19. It's even just like that in real life, those kind of people are the worst of all because they will stab you in the back any chance they get.
  20. I decided to play a little of Fortnite just to see if I really missed the game but eventually I didn't at all.
  21. Most of the time, when the jump or gap in the Playstation gen console is just one, it doesn't have much difference in the games that you play on it.
  22. I have dumped some games as a result of this kind of let down with the gameplay because it's something that's not necessarily needed for me when it comes to doing something important in games.
  23. Exactly, it's why I recommend more of video reviews more than any other kind of reviews because they are well prepared for more updates for those using it.
  24. If it's that way, then I don't really think that anyone's going to blame you for dumping the game for a far more better ones. I would do the same thing as well.
  25. It's why I don't really look up to reviews from every source because it's designed to feed you with wrong information and force you into making bad decisions.
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