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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I played more with my classmates back then because they were the only ones that were closer to me back then. Now, my kids are my extension.
  2. Since the outbreak of the pandemic of coronavirus, eventually everything become very tight, tough and critical for everyone. We all need that extra money.
  3. Yeah, it's a video game for crying out loud. It was movies that used to make me feel really sad and drop some tears 😭 back then but not anymore.
  4. Seriously, neither the kids and adult depression is good one bit my friend. They are both deadly for those that are suffering from it.
  5. Just take your time to learn it well, I'm very sure that it's going to be very helpful for you in playing the game. I would have helped but there is no way I could do that here.
  6. I think that it was on my Gameboy that I played the game back then. It was also available on mobile devices as well if I recollected well.
  7. Exactly, they really took their time to make the PS5 hardware to be the very best of what the game can offer.
  8. Everything isn't free mate. You have to pay for something at some point in time to get the best of it. But you can wait for it to be out for free download.
  9. If you look at the top 10 best open world games, I believe that Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 is definitely among the list.
  10. Don't worry about it, it's not a big getting the trailer for him to understand what or how the game is all about.
  11. I have had it up to here with the bugs that are filled in FIFA games. I almost broke my controller one time as a result of the bugs frustration.
  12. It's what I have been doing as well with my products sales with advertising them on Twitter and Instagram.
  13. It's either you are sleep or watching movies if you are into movies or playing games. Those are the things I use to kill time when I'm at home.
  14. I don't really update my Facebook application if it's not force closing on its own. I'm even getting tired of the application lately.
  15. It's nice hearing that you haven't experienced any kind of bugs in the game yet. I'm definitely working on getting the game sooner.
  16. It's why being rich come with its perks as you don't really have to worry about much expenses as the fund to use for it is readily available.
  17. It's not something that wouldn't be easily disputed because the game GTA 5 is trending very well today. I really love the game so much.
  18. This is a very good opportunity for the members to have more like a side quest gain from participating in the community. You are an awesome person @DC. I'm not that much prolific in creating content, so I'm going to pass on this one but good luck to all who are going head to head to win it. I'd expect some giveaway from the winner to us 😉. Congratulations to the winners in advance.
  19. Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to add more value to the community. I'm really happy to be here and congratulations to everyone and VGR.
  20. With how everything is now expensive since the outbreak of the pandemic of coronavirus, one needs to try as much as possible to spend less.
  21. Being economical with how you manage your hardware that you use to play your video games it's very important of course is going to save you a lot of cost that you will not incure unnecessarily.
  22. I've actually currently lost count of the games that I played more this year particularly which if I need to be certain of it I'm going to have to consult my console and the show of the one that I played more than the other games.
  23. What was the gameplay of Left 4 Dead like that made you not to actually fancy playing the game after you must have purchased it by yourself?
  24. There is always a possibility that some game will definitely get bad reviews from people who did play it and those that didn't play but read all the reviews that other people have on the games and conclude on their own reviews as well.
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