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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. For a hardware (Pro Controller) that I purchased that costly, it's definitely supposed to give everything which I craved for to purchase the controllers.
  2. Personally, I love Mass Effect series compared to Alien Isolation. Although, I enjoyed the horror and game mechanics of Alien Isolation very well.
  3. After my playing of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, I have completely changed my stance that it's the best online Mario Kart game for 2021.
  4. Most gamers have dumped one or more games at one point in time with their gaming experience so far. If my memory serves me correctly, I should have dumped at least 14 games.
  5. Football is not really an easy profession because of the risks and injuries as well as health challenges the footballers face in it.
  6. If the company delivers on what they promised with the game's pre orders and it's definitely not going to be an issue at all.
  7. I have played the game Spec Ops : The Line at least twice or three times and it's not a big deal for me but I do feel sad about some of my decisions.
  8. What are you doing when it comes to your learning how to get the practice well learnt? You can watch YouTube videos on how to do it.
  9. For a good gamer it's definitely not going to be an easy thing to with not buying games that you know would be full of fun.
  10. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which is an enhanced version of Wii U racing game. It's the best online Mario game ever.
  11. I recently completed playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which is by far for me the best online Mario Kart game till date coming with an enhanced edition of Wii U racing game.
  12. I have played very well with my classmates more than I have ever played with anyone else in the world but I'm definitely going to play more with my kids.
  13. There are some offers that you can't simply refuse no matter what as long as you have needs that only money can take care of.
  14. I don't really think that there's been any games that are made which could possibly make me to cry. I might feel sad but not really cry.
  15. I'm very sure as well that most gamers played the original Mario Bro games. Some are even still playing it till now but I have moved on from it.
  16. I have seen a kid that got his depression so bad that it almost cost him his life. It's why I recommend hospital check up with my kids most of the time.
  17. Some weapons are best suited for long elimination of enemies, so it's why I think he should master how to use all the weapons to help his progress.
  18. Yeah, in a situation where you keep failing to progress on a particular task, it's useless being stuck their and keep wasting your time.
  19. Looks like a space ship shooting game. It looks weird if you ask me. I never liked that kind of game.
  20. Yeah, I get that same feeling with playing Assassin's Creed with similar set up standing at vintage point and looking down at the foes to eliminate.
  21. Yeah, the hardware design and functionality are completely different and well improved on with what we have today in PS5.
  22. Some people really enjoy the limitations that came with playing with wired console controllers because it helps them to keep focus in the games.
  23. The gaming background is a total different thing when it comes to games graphics I think?
  24. Exactly, with our differences in human beings nature, we can never be the same in our preferences especially when it comes to games.
  25. Seriously, both Final Fantasy 7 and the Remake are excellent games for my liking when it comes to being played online.
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