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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Yeah, it's what they are there to teach those who are willing to learn from watching them play on several occasions.
  2. Exactly, I have a 55" Samsung television set up in my living room and I still feel it's not enough in size.
  3. If you have that arranged already, then it's all good. When they get to damage the current one, you can play with your backup.
  4. Yeah, some people would feel like their privacy was breached if they get to find out that you're eavesdropping on them.
  5. Exactly, they teach you how to play up. Most new gamers find it very difficult to play up but when they learn, it becomes easy.
  6. Mortal Kombat 1 is definitely a good one we played as kids. I still relish on the game's memory.
  7. I know very well it's what the game is all about. I have seen a friend of mine playing it and it's why I actually purchased the game.
  8. This is quite the reality with most horror games and Silent Hill is one good example.
  9. That's a fact. A game having series of bad reviews does not mean it doesn't have its lovers as well.
  10. Yes, that's something that I could easily agree with you as no two games are the same thing.
  11. Yeah, they are almost same length in both video games and movies. Look at this Game of Thrones trailer, it's still within 3 minutes.
  12. Yeah, these companies know very well that some of these guys will never stop with pre ordering, so they keep making it a thing.
  13. I think that it's in Resident Evil that one follower was that annoying in slowing down Alice in it till she was killed.
  14. Seriously, the gamers and fans actually can sue them for exploiting and manipulating them into scams.
  15. Seriously, I'm beginning to believe that it's actually true what you say about testing for bugs not being among their job description.
  16. What's the battery mAh of your smartphone? If it's anything less than 6000 mAh, it's definitely not going to serve me.
  17. Exactly, no law is against any seller in selling their products at any price they want to sell their products. It's up to you to buy or not and not complain.
  18. Let's see what 2022 have in store for us with the games these companies are going to make for us next year.
  19. It's what I make use of as well because it offers more game save security in my opinion ever since I started using it.
  20. Yeah, it's why most people don't complete games and move to another and still don't complete it and move back and front all over.
  21. Honestly, this one of the setbacks that I really hate so much to experience in any games that I play.
  22. To some people that are addicted to games, they may find it very hard to drop games for money.
  23. I remember that movie very well. The dog later died right?
  24. Exactly, it's why such a thing is capable of happening to them and they can't do anything to help themselves.
  25. Seriously, it's the case with some people honestly. A work colleague of mine is just that way as he's not ever open to games at all.
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