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Posts posted by Boblee

  1. 1 hour ago, Justin11 said:

    I am yet to complete GTA V I, and II, III via my PS3 console, and I don't think I can complete any of them. The best version of GTAs I love is 'S.A. 

    I don't really think that you're playing the GTA game series more often from how you feel that you can't even complete any of them. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Justin11 said:

    Yes, they follow what majority of gamers love by modding the games to attract their choice. That's why, their are remastered version too, bringing back features that was lacking. 

    Yeah, it's simply good when they get to fix up and improve on previous games with its remastered version. The games lighting is what's very obvious in all remastered. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Justin11 said:

    Its quite manageable, that's why I'm looking up to buying a gaming PC with 8GB RAM at least. With an internal storage drive of 500GB at least. It will help me enjoy quality gaming for once. 

    Yeah, that is something that I can agree to with the RAM size being manageable with some games. But games that are more than 1GB in size will not run smoothly on it. 

  4. On 9/9/2021 at 11:26 AM, Razor1911 said:

    I would have installed a mammoth Tv that would cover all my wall. The size would have been 10ft X 14ft. Imagine, playing racing games on that big-screen and selecting the front camera view. 😁 Fascinating.

    The view is definitely going to be unbelievable with making it so real that you can easily point out anything the background of the race. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    You're right dear, I'm looking forward to playing the God of war 2018 version. But it will be when I launched the PC later this month. 

    It's playable on both PC and consoles but if it's on PC that you fancy playing it, it's a good idea because you can enjoy it there as well. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    Yeah, gaming is part of my remedy to boredom. When I'm feeling bored I look up to my gaming device for engagement. I can stay with my mobile phone and console for hours without getting bored if I'm alone. 

    Yeah, it's why they seem to kick into gaming when they are bored at work. It's only the games that would keep them lively. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    Its good to hear about that, you respect everyone's opinion. Same I do to others as well, by respecting their choices and opinion. GT is a great racing game, their is nothing wrong you describing it as a better game to MGP. 

    Yeah, other gamers opinion and choices matter a lot. It's why even game companies offer gamers choice in their games. 

  8. On 10/28/2021 at 12:00 PM, Empire said:

    Or both, Then again who does cry while playing. Crying as you spent 500 hours and lost it all 😜 Or when the sexest daughter died in the beginning of “The Last of Us”. 😜 that was just another story. 

    Seriously, about the lost hours with 500 to say the least. I'd just pass out for a while and dump the game for at least 2 years. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    Specs too long to specify all for you here. I'll go for what matters most. 

    As for the RAM = 4GB

    Internal storage drive = 64GB

    4G service

    Battery = 6,000 AMH. 

    Its not all that quality but at least its serving to be engaged online and others. 

    A RAM of 4GB wouldn't be a perfect fit for most games as it helps to run other applications in your device but it can still be useful in a way. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    I never can say I've found the best God of war franchise because I'm yet to play the latest versions especially tje God of war 2018 edition. I played only the edition 1 via PS2, the others I watched their trailers only. 

    Well, you can still play more of it if it's something that you like as a game genre. I'm looking forward to playing the Ragnarok version of the God of War. 

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