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Posts posted by Boblee

  1. 12 minutes ago, Justin11 said:

    laughs, its still there for you to order, it never passed you by. But I think the demo version that is available for now, the official release of the game will come later. 

    Yeah, that's being sorted already about my knowledge of the game and when to order and not to order. But I'm definitely getting it savvy. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Withywarlock said:

    I've no particular brand in mind, but a gaming keyboard would be nice, but I'm particular about the features and how much I'm willing to pay. Some speakers would be a nice change from using headphones all the time. I'm not eager to spend even on sales these days but I'm willing to see what's being sold for how much all the same out of curiosity.

    This is something that I can be open to doing as well in seeing what they are going to offer and at what price, then if something that's worth it, I might consider. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Rain Dew said:

    I entered yesterday. I hope i did it right because I have never used Twitter before.  Im going to try and see if @The Blackangel will tweet or reply with redit as well. We’ve had a very hard year (not covid related) so this would be such a nice way to go and destress and get away from it all. For those of you who don’t know we had to two of our beloved dogs die this year. One right before my birthday and the other last month. So this would be great for us if we win.  

    Poor dogs 😩. So sorry for your loss. What would have caused their death this year alone? Tbvh, Dogs are my favorite pets as well. I really feel for you. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Continue on the psych you've reached with GTA 5. When you finish it, you can come here and share your experience so far by completing it. 

    Definitely, it's something that can offer a sort of accomplishment when it's completed. Since, the GTA 6 isn't yet to released, I'm not in a rush to complete it. 

  5. 19 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    If the video game was a popular choice, and their are things which wasn't added on it. Then, the devs can simply move on to add those features by introducing it's remaster version. 

    Maybe you're right, who knows? There must definitely be some lines that needed to be checked and crossed in making the game a remaster version. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    That's the benefits that comes from learning through a pro gamer. I prefer playing together with an expert by far better than me, than playing always with someone at my level. 

    The real thing is that I find it very hard to play with someone who's still on the same level of strength or below me. I don't learn anything new from them. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    😭, They are children the government wouldn't treat them so harsh like the way an adult would receive harsh reception when he or she flouts the law. 

    There is a good in what the government were doing in a way which is why I'm not flat out against their new policy towards gaming. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Yes of course, with the help of video games, and a doctor they can scare through the challenges that comes from depression. 

    Although, I'm very sure that it's not all doctors that are open to making use of games to correct some health issues. It's most likely only embraced by psychologists. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    I know the body will need some rest at times, which is mainly at nights for those who work tirelessly in the day time streaming video games. 

    Yeah, when we do take care of ourselves properly even when we are trying to have fun in the process, it's what makes a fulfilling one. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Shagger said:


    First, it's not that the games I mentioned were unplayable, it's that they were sold on lies. That's the very essence of a scam and why I see the similarities. The content and quality of those games was not even kind of close to what was promised, it's not just about how buggy they are or are not. If all you want a game to do is function and that be enough to justify the price for you than you have seriously got to re-evaluate your standards.


    Second, I never said that pre-ordering was a flat out out scam. I was trying to illustrate how worryingly similar pre-orders are to a straight up scam to show why one shouldn't do so and why game game companies want you to so badly.


    Thirdly, offering a refund is not a reason to praise anyone who sells anything, including games. That's a basic consumer right that you should expect as a customer, not appreciate just because "Kind Mr Game Publisher" was so "generous" to offer it. A refund being available is not an excuse to sell a product on lies or sell it knowing it doesn't function as it should. The correct response to being offered a refund is not "Thank you", it's "Damb right you will!"


    And lastly, why are you even defending this practice anyway? Game companies are monsters complete with fangs and claws. If people want to pre-order games, I don't object, that's totally your call, I just feel it's important that people understand why they are so pushed to do so by game companies these days, because it is very simple. As I said, the basis of everything they do is in effort to take ALL of you're money, to take said money immediately and give you something between absolutely nothing and bare minimum in exchange for it.

    Not really siding them per say, just needed a little bit clarification on the points you were making about the whole thing and I have been cleared. So, we are good 😉

  11. 7 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    That's good you've already taken advantage of the video game to get the necessary quick information around the video game. And also, ever ready to secure the game too. Is like, the game is one of your favourite? 

    I do enjoy racing games but I wouldn't call it my favorite of all time. I would still get it nonetheless when it's out. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    I don't think I got to play this wonderful edition of God of war, No, I didn't. I'll simply go and search for it via my PC store, and see if I can get it there. What's the version of the God of war? 

    It was God of War 2018 that he apparently appeared and his journey with his father Kratos started with the bid to put his wife to rest after her death. 

  13. 9 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Yeah, rage quitting is too far, it's better to stay calm even if we are deeply annoyed with the outcome of an event in the game. 

    My own is that I could have just poured out my frustration with the game and how it pained me but rage quitting because of it was too childish for my age. 

  14. 9 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Yes exactly, it's for your own good buddy. They simply told you all you need to know about video game. Now I guess you've learned the game and you're enjoying it now.

    Of course yes, with having suffered what I did in their hand learning how to be as good as they are, it's paying off well for me now. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Yes, it's a law given by the president and it's executives. So, it is believed everyone abide by it. Even if many will flout such guideline, when they're caught they'll face the penalty. 

    Yeah, when they don't have a choice in it, they would simply have to abide by the rules and regulations of the state or suffer the consequences. 

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