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Posts posted by Boblee

  1. 9 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Yes, that's what it is. With such tool, the government can deploy health practitionist to use the tool to discover and correct an individual suffering from depression. 

    Seriously, those gamers in such situations re need all the help they can get and it's a good thing that some games with the help of doctors can find a way to aid them. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Even if it's me, I'll play 24/7 provided I'm making a living out of video games. Even when I'm not earning from playing it, I'm burning hours on it. 

    Yeah, that's why most people who are working on that note don't really have a choice but to keep going till they break down. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Empire said:

    Deals are crap anyway, I say this eacry year that before the long weekend sales they put all the prices up then they drop them down real good. What are you really saving though? 

    Need to save up for my February spending, have to renew things. If I see a game that I want that's VERY VERY low good deal them maybe. 

    I have good reasons to believe that you're just about making the right point about how useful those deals are because in most cases, they aren't worth it. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    I think a moral victory is what sells. Imagine a game where there is an immoral victory. It will leave the game seeming unfinished. Even in horror games that seem unfinished at the end hinting that the evil still exists, still has a satisfying ending where there was a moral victory. What would be the point playing a game where you just constantly lose and even ends in a loss. It was all for naught. Optimism is what keeps us playing a game and that is the single most important factor. It’s the basis for every story and for a protagonist’s existence. The majority of people favor moral victories. I’m not sure if that preference is innate or something engrained in us from childhood with all the fairy tales. Optimism and moral victory is what drives life. But again I question if morality is innate or something taught. Being driven by an immoral victory can have the same optimism, but it’s less popular. A society driven by immoral victory could change that trend in what sells.

    The only logical conclusion for me in games especially horror games that ends in immoral victory means that it's not yet finished as long as the evil is still out there, the fight continues. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Shagger said:





    Game Publishers want you to pre-order because;

    1. The buyers don't get to see reviews before buying, so the company in question gets the money before the buyer even knows if it will be worth it.
    2. The publisher get's money, and give the person back absolutely nothing. They only get a "promise" that they'll get a game. I's the ultimate transaction to favour a cooperation.
    3. It forces players to pay full price. That suits the publisher better than people buying a game at a reduced price father down the road.
    4. It looks good to shareholders and investors when a publisher says "Look how much money we've made before we have even put out any kind of product."


    Scammers want ALL the money, they wanted all the money YESTERDAY and they want to give you NOTHING for it, and that's essentially what a pre-order is. As aforementioned, you given them money, and they give you absolutely nothing in return except a "promise". So calling it a "scam" is not that far from the truth.


    It's not like they're gonna run out of stock for the game, especially with digital distribution, so pre-ordering to secure your copy of the game is just not a reason to pre-order anymore. The only reason I would pre-order a game now is if there was a lot of games I was interested in releasing at roughly the same time. I would consider pre-ordering a couple of them to "spread the cost" as it were, but that's only time I would do it. I certainly don't trust game companies even slightly any more. I was burned by Destiny and No Man's Sky, and after that, I was done with that shit.

    Would there have been a possibility of having the game companies refund you on the games Destiny and No Man's Sky if it turned out to not be playable? If yes, I wouldn't call it a scam. It's more like what happened with Cyberpunk 2077, they had to refund gamers. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    No, I never passed you by, the initial release occured today '5th of November 2021. You can go check it out, that's for the demo version. The official release isn't out yet. 

    Yeah, I have already read all about it and its schedule. Although it wouldn't have been a big issue as I would easily still get it afterwards. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Darth said:

    I don't know much about the developers because I tried to not give them too much attention. But I guess the smaller developers find it a bit harder to fix a lot of bugs because of smaller team sizes etc. And when a game doesn't sell as well, they tend to be a bit reluctant to spend more time on it

    Video games companies like EA have all the staff and resources as well as tech they can lay their hands on but what's up with their buggy FIFA games? 

  8. 3 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    FIFA career mode, I allow us to create or modd our pro the way we want, especially the player career mode. You can still create players on your own and assign them any name, customize each of them to look decent in appearance, use them for your managerial career in FIFA career mode. 

    In video games, to me anything that involves your being able to create your own characters in your image is an art itself. 

  9. On 10/26/2021 at 6:58 AM, Oblivion Knight said:

    Looking at my started games list, I quite fancy playing through Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (PS3).

    It's a game I started back in 2017, so I'll probably have to start over since I don't remember too much about it. Luckily I don't think I got particularly far.



    This is actually my first time of seeing this game and from the trailer, it's quite decent enough to offer a good gaming experience. 

  10. 12 hours ago, PGen98 said:

    A favourite game definitely helps the mood.  A new game can go either way, depending on the game.  A challenging game can make me feel worse for not getting through it, but a fun game can make me forget about whatever was bothering me.

    Personally, before I get into playing any new games, I must read the reviews and watched some gameplay to help me decide. 

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