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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. The depth and breath of the game in its gameplay matters to me a lot. The mechanics used, the graphics view and the soundtracks.
  2. What's the highest number of games that you have ever played in a year since you started playing?
  3. There are some situations where you can't help it but let our frustration but yes I agree that rage quitting is too far.
  4. I look forward to playing Call of Duty Vanguard than Battlefield 2042 but I won't say no if either one comes first savvy.
  5. Screaming at the characters when I'm being frustrated like they can actually hear me yell at them 😂.
  6. I have completed playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City twice and I'm currently play GTA 5 which I might likely complete by January next year.
  7. I have played on all the Playstation consoles but PS5. I'm currently playing on PS4, Nintendo Switch and my PC.
  8. My father taught me how to play chess the old way and I'm teaching him how to play it online now on consoles.
  9. I'm going to be giving my vote to Square Enix - the makets of the ever popular Final Fantasy games series.
  10. When you get a chance to learn about new games and new ways to play like how to mod some games on PC, it's one hell of pool of resources gaming community offers.
  11. Choices differ, so it's not a big deal if it's not something that you fancy doing. I know some who doesn't play in real life but enjoys the games.
  12. Kids gets introduced to gaming more easily and earlier than they do back in our days. It was my friends that introduced me to gaming at the age of 8. But my kids have been introduced to games at the age of 2 years.
  13. North Point Mall in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is one those supermarkets you could have easily sworn that you have visited in real life based on how it's presented in the game.
  14. To some extent, I view character customization as a work of art in games. What do you think about this?
  15. I would pick Ghost of Tsushima, The last of Us 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 to be perfect at this more depth.
  16. I don't feel depressed with games that I play be it open world game or otherwise. I might feel sad for some just like with what happened in Spec Ops : The Line.
  17. Athreus did it on more than one occasion in some of his fight with his father Kratos in God of War.
  18. In God of War, it's still the same thing with how my choices had to reel in me like I'm supposed to make them but I have no choice not to.
  19. It's something that's very well noticeable in Final Fantasy 15 with the death of Noctis.
  20. Some games have the capacity to absorb me into the game's surrounding that I wouldn't be aware where I am anymore unless I get tapped.
  21. I have no reason to believe yhgs games difficulty have anything to do with its accessibility issue. It's something that the gamer can easily fix by adjusting the difficulty level to his best play mode.
  22. The kind of games that you play determines if you get to see those ads placement often. I have seen a few in some shooting games.
  23. I play my games because they make me feel happy and really satisfied. So, it's capable of regulating my mood most of the time.
  24. There is actually nothing bad with having it as an option to skip such. Gamers choice in what to do and not to do makes sense for me.
  25. Most of the Fallout series have such with its companions or followers with Fallout 2 where is showed well.
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