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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I have good reasons to believe that why they make trailers to be that short is to not bore the viewers and not to give everything away in trailer.
  2. Well, I'm already anticipating about how it's going to be when you finally get it done at least. 2022 is around the corner, so I'd see you soon.
  3. Personally, you can't sneak in on me when I'm playing with my smartphone. It's not possible, you can hardly do that but on PC, I'm always caught up.
  4. It's what most gamers fail to understand about their gaming to try as much as possible to make it a personal experience and not encroach on others with their feelings..
  5. Anyone who says no to money is either a monk or something is really wrong with him one way or another. And when it comes from playing games and having fun to get paid more, who would say no to that?
  6. Yeah, if it gets damaged and they can't get a new one, it's straight up to the tech house and pray that it's fixed well.
  7. I'm not sure how many people have played The Last Guradian here? Played it at least 3 times before moving on from it which was has hard as a result of the great companion with Trico.
  8. Exactly, looking at ATREUS in God of War, who's a good companion for Kratos. If you happened to play the game, he did offered a good help in fights.
  9. It's why gamers have different tastes and why we have thousands of games out there because there is always a possibility of Mr A not liking what Mr B likes.
  10. Most gamers that never played the game Cyberpunk 2077, wouldn't understand what they are really missing in the game. Fast forward and remove the messed up 1st release of the game, it's one hell of a game.
  11. Why do you think that most gamers who plays a lot of games are looking at having PS5? It's to solve the problem of storage for them.
  12. Haha, that's the beauty of games that offers character's customization. You will never get satisfied with how they look and you keep upgrading.
  13. As far as it's one's favorite game, it's dully bound to offer all these features because they are what completes a game to make it whole.
  14. And to crown it all, the all do brag a lot with what they were able to complete as soon as possible even when it's playing on easy level.
  15. There is no way any video game company would be making any game without publishing its trailer first. It's not marketing the new game. How will it sell?
  16. I really enjoyed upgrading from playing with a wireless connection controller. The gaming freedom it gave me is out of this world.
  17. It's actually never too late to start now if you ask me. All the fun are still there due in wait for the taking. So, try and get involved more.
  18. The storyline behind the game is what I love so much how it transpired and how he was able to get his revenge. The movie too was a blast.
  19. When are they ever the same savvy? If they are the same, then there is no need to getting new games or consoles or PC upgrade.
  20. You're talking about the aggressive microtransactions pushed into their games right?
  21. On mobile devices, I think so yes. But on consoles and PC, it's Call of Duty Vanguard. You should have seen the trailer a couple of times already here.
  22. I haven't checked it out yet on PS console. I should have but it never occurred to me. I will look into it.
  23. The characters upgrades are major when it comes leveling up any game because without it, the game looks just the same.
  24. A game have actually put me to sleep one time. I can't really remember the name of the game but the gameplay is something like an adventure but one boring one.
  25. Boblee


    I don't think it's about the drive of starting the streaming. If it's what I love, I would do it without looking at it making from it by having the channel monetized.
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