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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. 5 minutes trailer is too long for me to watch. Most that I have watched are between 1 minute to 3 minutes maximum.
  2. Well, as long as you're already prepared to switch it up and get a higher version of the console, it's not a bad thing.
  3. It's like asking for Xbox controllers to be the same thing with PS or PC controllers? They can never be interplatform used.
  4. I have been seeing Alibaba as a Chinese online store for a long time now, but I haven't had a bad experience with them at least for now.
  5. That's something we would all agree to without any sort of arguments because it's effects are crystal clear negative.
  6. Battlefield series from EA isn't that too bad apart from one or two of them in Battlefield 2 and 5 in my opinion. Their latest in Battlefield 2042 is incredible.
  7. I have been playing Forza Horizon 4 on PC for a while now but I would really like to have a feel of it on my PS4 console.
  8. It's actually not half bad on consoles if you ask me because I have played more of it on my PS4 than on my PC.
  9. Yeah, it's one of the matches that you can decide to kill time by not getting eliminated and it will take like forever till it gets done.
  10. I believe it's any cricket games that he's referring to looking at how the conversation was heading at.
  11. I haven't seen such kind of set up for once and I believe that it's something that is going to be worth the view because of its size.
  12. As long as my schedule allows me with play and my health is in good shape, then I don't see anything that would be capable of stopping from playing.
  13. Is there no way of getting those that are not US citizens to take part in it contest @DC?
  14. I have been playing Forza Horizon 4 on PC for a while now and I did played it a few times this morning just to catch up.
  15. If you feel that the restriction around 9: PM - 8: AM is excessive, what time do you think would have been appropriate for such limitations to cut down on their addiction?
  16. There are ones that do pre order games from time to time and I wouldn't fault them because most of the wisen up of us used to be like them.
  17. Exactly, the bugs have never rendered these games unplayable, otherwise they would have done something serious about it.
  18. You actually forgot to add Battlefield 5 amongst their collection of piece of shit games that deserved such award.
  19. It's a form of therapy in my opinion because when it's something that can pull you out from a tight spot, it's definitely worth the praise.
  20. I thought that I was doing something wrong for me not to be able to comment on the post and join the contest. It's a shame to be handicapped in such a way.
  21. Welcome to the world of FIFA and the rubbish they have been doing for years with their bugged FIFA series.
  22. I don't think that they put the bugs in the games on purpose but they leave it without working on fixing it when they know it exists in the game.
  23. What kind of old documentaries are you going to watching on YouTube? Would it still be related to games?
  24. Boblee


    I will keep my options and open when it comes to game play streaming, if I eventually find it compelling for me to get into, then I will do it.
  25. Most of my friends are not really that open to watching a full gameplay of other gamers because it's going to cost the element of surprise in playing the game.
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