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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It was a very good game back then and I'm very sure that it still means a lot to so many gamers.
  2. There might be some things that they know about the Cryptocurrency industry that we don't which is why they are yet to get into it.
  3. Well, for some people that I have seen taken the vaccine, they are very much alright. I'm planning on getting mine next weekend.
  4. They are definitely capable of doing it and make Ultimate team gameplay something that's worthwhile but some reasons they didn't.
  5. Haha, it's even about the conspiracy theories that's involved or linked with the vaccine and Bill Gates that I fear a little.
  6. I'm simply waiting for them to have a new cryptocurrency launched in their name. I'd be among the first people to invest in their coin.
  7. That would have ruined or damaged the laptop if it continued being used that way on the bed.
  8. EA and even Ubisoft have completed disappointed over the years to the extent that I look for anything good from them.
  9. Scalpers don't offer the services of games pre order from all my encounter with all of them.
  10. Pirates and piracy will always be existent in the gaming industry no matter what they try to do in putting it out.
  11. I believe most people are very familiar with the 10 commandments, I'm not sure if anything like addiction being a sin was mentioned in it.
  12. Yeah, it's simply not their priority to fix it which is why it's still the same way with bugs over the years. It's even as if the bugs are getting worse now.
  13. I'm well aware that there is a big possibility of some people hiding and declining from getting vaccinated. There are few cousins of mine who vowed never to get vaccinated.
  14. I really missed playing this particular Super Mario. Let me see if one my old consoles would work for me relive the game once more.
  15. Sometimes, when I'm that down tired, I would like to play games to brush up my mood and sometimes it would work while sometimes it's worse.
  16. I would advise you to read up reviews of others who's already upgraded their own to know how it works for them.
  17. Exactly, my games preferences differ from my brother's or sister's even though we are the same blood. Some games are bad to me while it's good to others.
  18. Most new games now are very good when it comes to its graphics. The beauty of it with good game mechanics gives an amazing experience.
  19. Hopefully, we are indeed all going to explore and experiment playing on PS5 soon in order not to be left out.
  20. Yeah, at first I was among such set of people who didn't adjust to playing on mobile phones easily. It took a while for me to get used to it.
  21. Have you fixed the issue of memory spaced needed for you to get more games on your Playstation 3 console?
  22. It's the same thing with me playing Asphalt on mobile first before I upgraded to playing on consoles. It's one good racing game.
  23. Seriously, only the guy's face and expression on it is way too annoying. I don't even want to think about his voice... Jeez!!
  24. Most times, these offline stores hardly have what I'm looking for which is why I go to online store.
  25. I'm guessing that this Gorogoa is only available for play on mobile devices right?
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