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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. What's your favorite GT series games that you have played? I have played them all with the 6th series now my favorite.
  2. Human cravings are on different levels. If yours is not kept in check, it's going to take wild turn that would be of ill to you.
  3. I have never seen them being the open type to talk about their health problems. It's the parents that should be observant with their kids to figure out what's going on with them.
  4. I know some people still pre order games but I haven't seen anyone who did in a very long time. Maybe gamers are getting wise now?
  5. Yes of course, I have played Asphalt 9 : Legends. I think it was released 3 years ago or thereabouts. I do enjoyed playing in the ground tracks of cool cities in the game. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ot63S91Ihwk
  6. What!!!!! Did they get to use this in any video game? If they did, I'm sure if I would be playing the game at all.
  7. Yes of course, I believe that most recent Dark Souls fans all started from Demon Souls. If I didn't, the game wouldn't be complete for me.
  8. Once you didn't get to sleep well the way you were supposed to, it's definitely going to show in your appearance and how agile you are going to be..
  9. That's something I'm looking forward to. I wouldn't spend that amount of money and looked at getting anything short of my expectations.
  10. I do understand exactly how you feel about that silly game called Candy Crush. What people play still seems to amaze me.
  11. Although there is a good possibility that the game Call of Duty Vanguard would go well with its release, I still wouldn't be too erratic to jump right in now.
  12. It's like knowing fully well that something is going to full of shit and disappointing but still went ahead to get it. Does it sound normal?
  13. I haven't played this kind of game yet but I think that it's something that I might be open to doing given the opportunity to do so.
  14. Of course yes, it's part of the reasons why old games are upgraded both in graphics, gameplay, character etc in order to offer more flexibility and satisfaction to gamers.
  15. There is no doubt about The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt having so many interesting scenes that cut across throughout the game.
  16. Haha, you sure do have trust issues and no one is going to blame you for it because some of these companies, once they sell you items and it gets complications, they will be reluctant to answer you.
  17. If that's the case then, I believe that you have already got everything covered then. It's just for you to kick start it as soon as possible.
  18. This is exactly why I love games with 3rd person shooting mode. You get to feel the games graphics more in 3rd person for me.
  19. I actually guessed that it might be only on mobile gaming platforms which was why I wasn't familiar with it. How's its gameplay like?
  20. We would be keeping our fingers crossed in wait for it then and hopefully it gets out for us sooner than later.
  21. What a pity. May his soul rest in peace where ever he found himself. I wonder the kind of trauma the parents would have been in after his death?
  22. Exactly, it's why most of them are fully hospitalized with 24/7 intensive observation in order to prevent any act of inflicting personal fatal injuries.
  23. Some people make the mistake of putting their console on anything that's foam built structure which doesn't allow for proper ventilation and causes the system to over heat.
  24. Coleco Telstar series isn't older than the odyssey series from the research that I have made on these console.
  25. It's since 2005 that Gorge created the social media channel. You can read more about it on Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube
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