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About ZandraJoi

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  1. My interests are the same. I grew up with light 80's rock bands & still prefer those older songs. Especially to newer ones of today. I do listen to more alternative easy-listening music than I did when I was younger. That is to keep stress levels down lol
  2. ZandraJoi


    I don't watch much TV nowadays anyways. More in winter because not much else to do lol For anime, I've only watched a few out there- Sailor Moon, InuYasha, Fruits Basket, Magic Knight Rayearth. I tried a few others but I like simple storylines, nothing gory & not over the top risque in nature. What are your favorites & why do you like them?
  3. I prefer wired as often as possible. From headphones to my mouse. But my new Logitech ergonomic TrackBall didn't come with that option anymore. The people at Best Buy looked at me like it was the oddest question they heard of when I asked if they carried a WIRED mouse. While you have the convenience & portability with a wireless, that convenience comes with a price. Wireless tends to act up so much more. Seems the advances they make in technology only advances their pocketbooks. I've had to buy a new mouse several times as it kept being faulty. I read reviews on many people having that same problem.
  4. I have heard this discussed among gamers as well. The Switch console isn't as good as they would have liked it to be. Maybe instead of creating a whole new system, Switch 2, they can do an adaptation to the original one so people don't have to shell out more money for another console. Would people be open to that? Why or why not would it work?
  5. I will go with GTA. I have seen that talked about the most on forums & sites I'm on. It seems to be quite popular. I too have seen people only play the one game & nothing else. Maybe it's to be proficient at it or maybe because they just like playing it. What do you think?
  6. I’ve heard of this one before from some friends. It looks like it’s a fantasy drama from a novel by Neil Gaiman back in 2001. For those who have watched it, I have a question, how gory or deep does the storyline goes? I'd be interested in watching it but while I can take some drama, I honestly prefer easy-going, lighter shows with a bit of a comedy aspect in them.
  7. I workout as a habit. Winter I do more videos whereas the summer I count doing yardwork as part of my workout. I like to make it fun & spice it up. Some days I do more, other days I practice Self-Care & focus on simple walking & stretches. I used to go to the Gym many years ago for classes but I rather exercise in the comfort of my own home plus it's cheaper. For those who go to the Gym, what machines do you like to use? Do you take classes as well?
  8. It's too bad that they feel the need to raise the prices. Many people rely on gaming for either a hobby or some extra income as a second job. Do people think other competitors would raise their prices? Or perhaps would they keep them low so that people on limited income would gravitate towards them instead of Xbox.
  9. While I have invented card & board games, I wouldn’t know where to begin with a video game. You have the graphics, themes, storyline to implement. I think it’d be best for those who wanted to give this a go to get a group of friends together to bounce ideas off each other. If you have invented a game, what was it about?
  10. Dice games are quite popular. When we get together with my parents, my husband & I play a variety of games with them including those that involve dice. I can see how a game on your mobile would be easier for most who just want to get a game in.
  11. Our computer came with One Drive but we prefer Carbonite. It’s an American company that offers an online backup service available to Windows & macOS users. It backs up everything. It is great for when you get a new computer. Also beneficial for when you lose a file, they keep them for so many days. Backs up files, pictures, anything stored on your computer. I love having the peace of mind. I honestly don’t care for “The Cloud”. I have had nothing but hassle utilizing them. Some like it but I prefer Carbonite.
  12. I use Microsoft Word. I have 26 Files & one is for TV shows & movies. I keep the list updated & even write notes. If we stopped watching it for one reason or another, I write down when we stopped & why. It's also beneficial when a TV show has a long hiatus & I can't remember the last season I watched. For movies, I also like putting in some actors names.
  13. For those who make their own music, where do you buy your equipment? Are there some places or sites you would recommend? Do you buy locally? I would opt to buy locally as the sales people could help me figure out what would best suit my needs. Plus, returns are easier to do. Do you have a room devoted to playing music? What all is in there?
  14. How much money can an average person earn? What is the most someone has earned that you know of? I know some Gamers have 'day jobs' & do gaming for just some extra cash. Is it worth it? Do you feel you get burnt out more having to play games for money? I would feel the pressure personally.
  15. Do you fall for them? Do you think they are prevalent? Do you use it yourself? I know I have & I know I shouldn’t. More times than not, it’s quite stupid & then I worry I just infected my computer even if the site was legitimate. I had always considered clickbaits to be mean but when I read more on it to do my research, some actually DO use it for their own sites, & not in a malicious attempt either. For those who use it for their sites, is it beneficial?
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