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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. 'Buddy' is a way to go, I don't mind what the person will say next. That's a good way of greeting in my own way.
  2. If I don't drive for the recreation, I wouldn't enjoy my time playing racing games. I don't own a car, my close friend living close to me own a car, he gives me once in a while to drive. I am saving money to get a car of my own, maybe by 2024 I can get a car, lol.
  3. I don't have Yakuza installed in my bathroom, I'm looking forward to that in the future, it can help settle my hectic time down. Then after that, then I'll go into deep sleep or play some games before going to bed. That's how I'm going to end hectic days.
  4. Coding is beyond me at the moment, I can only do basic HTML design, I'm planning in the future to extend to CSS, C++. They're at the top of my radar and very prominent aspect of coding language.
  5. Women is cool, at the moment I am yet to find the right one offline, I'm still enjoying the company of my 66 year old friend. If you enjoy hanging out with women their is nothing wrong, just play safe mate.
  6. The God that made the world didn't create it for destruction. We need a ruler that can channel the bad course into good, and make it a better place for the living, and not someone like @kingpotato 😂.
  7. That's cool to hear from you about WRC 8, and your interest in WRC 9. I'll check them up via YouTube and see what their gameplay looks like. If it makes sense to me, already I'm a racing game addict, then I'll go for them.
  8. I see you're the kind that loves girls, their is nothing bad when you do stuffs that ere pleasing to you. Life is too short, you just need to have them while it lasts for you.
  9. That's good that you restricted your cousin from opening those apps without your consent, that's actually what I'll be doing, so my little nephew can't just pick up my phone and start downloading any apps he sees on play store.
  10. Yours is better that your parents are gamers, and they're behind your love for video games. My own parents worked in the past to stop me from playing games, because they thought it was derailing my activities in school, but it wasn't so, since I wasn't lagging in my school performances.
  11. I don't care about special meaning, because it wouldn't add any value to my life, I don't even ask anyone about the meaning of my name, I just want to be successful with enough cash and not what my name can sound.
  12. - Riptide GP - Monument Valley II - Colour Bump 3D - Fun race 3D, Are the mobile 3D games that are so draining to my battery, I don't know what's running on the mind of my little nephew that got him to download all this games to me.
  13. When I was very much younger, I love love playing at the amateur level, such level was boring because I play freely and score loads of goals playing PES with AI opponents. At this time, I can't imagine myself at the lowest difficulty level.
  14. It's weird indeed if I find my underwear wet, because it never occured in the past 15 years, unless I want to go back as baby, which is complete regression. I don't smoke, my health doesn't carry it, now smokers are chased around, the world isn't safe anymore, it has changed drastically nowadays than last 20 years.
  15. Their is a small difference in design especially at the middle but they look similar. At the middle PS4 is built with glass that looks like a small projector, lol, while PS3 centre is sealed.
  16. YouTube is the home of trailers and anything watchable. Whenever I want to watch a trailer of any game, YouTube comes on my mind.
  17. Africa will grow, the documentary didn't tell exactly what Africa is all about. I know Africa is quite underdeveloped, but with time we'll see massive progress, it's just matter of time and AAA game companies will come around.
  18. I've heard numerous times about WRC 8, at least from @Family sedan, but unfortunately I never tried the racing game before. I will see how it goes, maybe I can decide to test something new around racing games since I've been playing around MGP 21, and GT7 for some time now.
  19. Hmm, that's super power in the game, those kind of gamers will make me suffer over a game I love and sweating on it. But such experience will be massive, since the gamer is truly good.
  20. The video is age restricted and I don't have that time adding my sensitive information now to unlock the video. I've seen your interest in the game, which shows you've made up your mind to go for it.
  21. I feel the same too, because the game is built with same mechanics, zombies appear the same and no much changes to their appearance. 'Death Target, Redfall are just perfect example for anyone to see.
  22. It's the same when you're purchasing the games outrightly, you buy the game and pay micro transactions and gradually the money is pilling up for you, before you know it will amaze to the price you bought the game.
  23. Yeah, mark zuckerberg brought the feature to Facebook, it was only on Instagram. And again the feature is monetized, those creators of the reels are paid doing those short videos just as YouTube pay it's #short creators. I created one short video before, but I didn't get monetized because it didn't reach 1k views mark which YouTube shorts monetization starts from.
  24. - Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 - Duke Nukem Forever - Echoes of the End This are few unreal engine 5 games on my radar to get started with after watching their trailers.
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