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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. That's wonderful experience you got back then. Do you still get in touch with Usain? Back to topic: Have you watched any movie recently? share with me if you've.
  2. You aren't the only one paying to get internet subscription services I do get it as well. That's why I'm managing it, because it is limited ajd not unlimited. I acknowledge the kind of mobile games I go to download on order not waste money unnecessarily.
  3. The best is moving over to the latest or others you never played. Then when I am deeply satisfied with other options, I might be pushed to look back from where I started.
  4. It's hectic though, and tiring to play games after burning yourself down due to work offline. I do experience such, which makes me skip playing games when I'm too tired.
  5. Justin11

    Among Us on the PC

    Even the parts of Xiaomi aren't available in my country too, that's why buying it wouldn't make sense. Because, if it develops fault, there won't be a place to repair it.
  6. Yeah, games have shifted away from PS3 and Xbox 360 completely. With small time too, PS4 will go same order as PS3 and Xbox 360. I got PS4 newly given to me by a friend, it's sad that games are begining to drift away from PS4 as I came into using it.
  7. If it's cheaper, and requires me to do such purchase before enjoying the game more, definitely I'll upgrade.
  8. I will say, PES 2013 was my best PS2 back in the days. I played more of PES series than any other video game on PS2. Reason is because: PES is more comfortable and enjoyable for double players.
  9. That's good to hear that he's just superfluous playing with the Mouse/Keyboard, in a demanding game like MK. I believe he is just comfortable using those keys, like any other who is comfortable with controllers.
  10. It doesn't mean copy, provided they're doing it well, I don't see any infringement that comes with that. At least Razor made a cheaper earbuds compared to what Apple did, which is more expensive.
  11. I owned one in 2017, which is an Itel tablet, I've forgotten about the model, but it's an Itel brand. Just too heavy on my hand, nothing much inside it as amazing features, almost an empty phone.
  12. Even God of war Ragnarok doesn't look like coming out anytime soon too. I am waiting to see Forspoken, Redfall being released later this year, I just hope on that.
  13. I've tried so much to get a screen capturing software, that will enable me to use same device while recording direct and capturing the activities on the phone. With OBS, as the suggestion implies, I'm going to kick start a YouTube career soon.
  14. That's only movie, it isn't happening real-life, I can confidently watch it and laugh over it. I survived watching MJ's Thriller music video when I was a kid, upon that, it portrays horror scenes.
  15. 'Inception' Hollywood action movie. Which I didn't spend up to 15 mins on..
  16. I am listening an audio music, 'Mario Barreth 'Let Me Love You'. This time not video, since I'm still making use my sight to be around internet.
  17. I did just that in my PS2 days, and also early PS3 days. It's been over two years, I never watched a complete movie anymore, nor watched on my console.
  18. It's been a while, I saw a Sony phone, Sony is world-class when it comes to making consoles, TVs, and other utility electronic devices etc, but no longer in mobile phones.
  19. The labour union establishment is indeed home coning. It will protect the workers under the labour union, make decisions that are favourable to their working schedule, and long term happiness. I was thinking that, Amazon had one earlier.
  20. That's stupid indeed. I don't see any reasons why they should ban gay marriage and leaving child marriage. Child marriage aren't good to me, because children aren't psychologically ready for marriage, they need to be adults to be fit for marriage.
  21. I know some gamers can't spend such number of hours, whereas some can spend, it just depends on the individuals choices to continue playing it that way or abandon it for another.
  22. At least you bought one of the best gaming device at the moment, and it isn't all that expensive at Wal Mart, with what I have you seen you post as price.
  23. Their are good number of persons they upgraded from PS2 to PS4, which is it, people have their choice.
  24. It will definitely vibrate on the game when the character is bursted, or when he lands ackwardly in the ground.
  25. Microsoft just got lots of money to spend on a massive project that's the essence of them buying another studio, merging it with theirs.
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