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Posts posted by Justin11

  1. 6 hours ago, Prof elohstar said:

    That's true bro. Card game have been in existence for many years and it's still very much in vogue till date. 

    And it will remain that way for ages, due to how popular it is and how easily people can get into playing it. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Prof elohstar said:

    I guess almost everyone have a laptop bag as long as they have a laptop. This is one sweet advantage of gaming on PC. Like you said, one can enjoy gaming in an environment there's no standby power supply. It's not the same with console.

    Exactly, when the power isn't constant there, your console wouldn't be in operation. But some gaming laptop can sustain for up to 7.5 hours before running down. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Prof elohstar said:

    Shooting games I think attracts gamers more than any other games, I might be wrong though. 

    You aren't wrong bro, shooting it's at the peak of it's all. I love shooting games, the sound of the guns and other powerful weapons triggers good feelings. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Boblee said:

    Money is always going to be fleeting commodity and it's why you have to put them to use immediately, otherwise you end up using it for unnecessary problems. 

    Yeah, money can't be spent unnecessarily especially when you have no plans and executing it immediately on your plans. But not that I will spend money I wouldn't like to, that's why I use a digital wallet account to lock my funds at some certain duration of time. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Boblee said:

    Seriously, it's just blind loyalty to the game for me. It's not supposed to be that way but it's what we got for now with it. 

    Lol, that's such gamers for you, they love the game with their lives. And I wouldn't try changing such facts for them, because it's non of my business, they got theirs, and made the decision for themselves to play what they love most. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Boblee said:

    Yeah that's a good one but the best modes of playing Minecraft will always be the best in my opinion because it offers the best experience. 

    Sorry, I didn't know you're taking about Minecraft, I misquoted it for Fortnite Royale survival game. In Minecraft game, the survival, creative, are always the toughest mode for me. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Boblee said:

    12 hours of gameplay is just half of the day and it's definitely going to be very difficult for you or anyone else to sacrifice that amount of time for games. 

    Yeah, such won't work now especially as I'm more engaged doing something else and not just thinking about video games. Gone at the days, when it was just me and my games lol. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Knight Barida said:

     When it comes to playing soccer games, it is sometimes not good to be alone or with the computer. Hopefully, you get friends that can play with you soonest. 

    It is also good alone, it depends on the mode you're playing mate. If you're playing on career mode, the story alone will amuse you, then the continuous games will entice you too. But playing with real humans makes it more thrilling. 

  9. 5 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Not feature it's more like progress I feel. like in past animation used to be 2D and then progress made for realistic 3D.

    No problem,I understand the progress so far made around those video games. I believe in the future additional progress will be recorded around those video games. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Heatman said:

    There is no harmful damage 5G network poses to human. It's just propaganda to fight China when they wanted to roll it out first. 

    But when you search at Google and any other search engines, you'll get to see the consequences. Is it still a way to attack the Chinese with their invention? 

  11. 3 hours ago, Heatman said:

    If you have a Windows PC, you can play the game Forza Horizon 4 as well. 

    I won't go for windows, the price is big for me to get. I am looking to getting a Lenovo laptop, that one is cheaper compared to buying a brand new windows laptop. So for now, Forza Horizon us off my budget. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Seriously, it's something that you have a lot to learn from when you play in a normal way. It's why it's the best playing approach. 

    Correct. That's what I've been doing for ages now. And I wouldn't change the fact, because I enjoy playing attention the story of the game and and other amazing features of the game. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Heatman said:

    I had the money for it and I already decided on playing the game. So, it's something that I had to buy, so I don't use the money. 

    Okay, I understand your point bro. Their is no need keeping the money idle when you'll still spend it. Since you had it on budget, it's a wise decision you did to secure the game, even if you didn't start ASAP playing it. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Heatman said:

    You're already working on getting PC by next month. I think that you should stick to that for now alright. It's going to be better. 

    I know, but I can still get the two at once, it depends on how much I can save up overall next month. I already have up to $200 from my savings, maybe from now to mid next month, I can get additional $300, which is enough to get me both PS4 and a Lenovo laptop. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Heatman said:

    Seriously, it's very difficult for you to convince anyone who's a FIFA games fan to quit the game. It's the last thing they would do. 

    Since it isn't possible for me, then their is no option for me to worry about. Everyone got their choice, and I got mine too. It's just like, one telling me to stop placing motorcycle GP series, because he doesn't like it. 

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