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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. WWE is an entertainment game not even a sports, that's why I don't fancy my time watching the scenes, it is more of unrealistic shows.
  2. Yeah the year 2021 is past tense, we move on to see better 2022 video games to make up the lost time.
  3. I got you, I would be limited to play as I want. Since my friend have a PS4 and Microsoft Windows PC, I can simply hire one from him since he doesn't play them all the time due to work pending when I secure my own better console.
  4. Yes, it's simply good for them, since it isn't affecting their progress their is no need changing format.
  5. Justin11


    I don't own a windows PC, my close friend over here have Microsoft windows PC, I do play video games with he's. I will play this one too via his own console if I have that chance.
  6. Okay, I believe your brother entered Into playing the game after watching the movie right?
  7. It was like that in the PS2 eras, they've improved since PS4 and PS5 came into limelight.
  8. Yes, it is like that since all of us have different options of video games. My best might simply be the worst for another gamer.
  9. I believe it will get better even more than 1,084 resolution when it comes to the game's brightness. It wasn't like this in the past and it wouldn't like this in the future as well.
  10. I am really stuck with my PS3 console, nothing I can do now than just accept the fact I'm not having the best console at the moment. I am still making savings, I wouldn't worry much about getting a new console, I know the time will come.
  11. It's simply gradual process man, I know VR will come into limelight and everyone will simply enjoy it's addition in video game.
  12. They one is still cool, I play it on mobile and also on console too. The game-play is intriguing such like any other car racing game.
  13. I wouldn't gamble on such either, very risky indeed. I wouldn't even understand how that prediction will go.
  14. If it's like demo version, then I'll pay to have it's complete access. But if I'm allowed to play and have access to its major features, it wouldn't entice me any longer to pay for it and own it outrightly.
  15. My junior nephew is showing great interest in video games, I do give him my phone to play games. I wouldn't hesitate buying him either Nintendo switch when I have the funds sooner. Since it makes him feel very happy, and wanting to go messages for me, I will use a console to encourage him.
  16. I don't play bets aside from football matches either. I wouldn't bet in a sports events that isn't accustomed to me.
  17. Even if it's waiting for the next 20 years before witnessing the creation of GTA 6, I wouldn't be perturbed with such xD.
  18. It will be crazy enough to see bugs and glitches overshadowing a particular video game. Such will make me query the devs concerning what they developed as game.
  19. Even if I've missed my time playing Skyrim, I wouldn't spend more than enough time without playing any of the GTAs.
  20. And most of the cities are simply centred to America, especially in USA and Canada.
  21. Apart losing carelessly to friends via offline multiplayer contests, I wouldn't think video games can make me lose a single second sleep thinking about my mixed actions.
  22. I love playing RDR-2 especially when I have the chance to open it up. But the most glaring one I am mostly thinking about is my favourite video game series edition 'MGP 21.
  23. Majority of the games comes with glitches, I've been playing Fortnite and Minecraft recently I don't see the glitches hindering their game-play.
  24. If I am the one choosing which of the quest to go into, such gonna make sense for me. It means starting from anywhere for me.
  25. Cricket, Rugby, kick boxing, wrestling etc, are simply obscure sports games I don't fancy at all.
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