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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. I simply went through the article link you shared, the video game which is under Square. Enix is already looking promising with what I've read so far aroud the 'Star Ocean The Divine Force.
  2. I wouldn't even think to be buying games offline or simply buying physical version of games anymore when I lay my hands on a quality gaming PC or PS4. My preferred choice will be on subscription and buying digital version games.
  3. I simply went back to play GTA IV, not that it is my favourite,just because I simply want to experience different action from racing games.
  4. If you hook up to various gaming channels, you'll definitely get the announcement whenever any of those events in your wish-list gonna hold. I am still looking up to any of them as well especially the con.
  5. I didn't get to play the FF8, the FF7 Is the option I played in which Square Enix invented tremendously well when it comes to top quality video games.
  6. Gaming forums and gaming blogs, YouTube, twitch follows etc, are simply better options for me to keep up to date of video game games that are worth it.
  7. At this point in time, GTA 6 wouldn't be clone, because it will be waste of time for the cloners to clone the game when it isn't originally made/launched.
  8. Already well looking at the zombies, one will acknowledge that, they are horror kind. RE series are simply horror kind of series as well.
  9. Lol, why did you say so @killamch89? do you see them as toxic and disappointing?
  10. Lollipop Chainsaw gonna be a better pick for me. What I saw around the picture displayed about it tells me it will be a better game for me.
  11. I think so too, Amazon is simply everywhere, their is nothing literally one can't see to buy at Amazon store. Which made it pour out huge amount of gain for Jeff bezos.
  12. That's cool, to learn that the game is impressive in graphics and game-play, which is the major thing gamers needs while playing games.
  13. Sure, they're total weaklings, how can you play video game with a fellow and simply using cheat just to manoveur your opponent. Anyone who tries that, isn't a good gamer but a weakling.
  14. That's very cruel indeed, due the management to act very ridiculously to the point of sexual molestation.
  15. xD, Minecraft simply have various stages, which makes it more interesting to play.
  16. I got you better, Amazon is simply a supermarket to purchase all kinds of products, and steam is strictly video games.
  17. I see same thing too, they do copy and paste of their video game, that's why every year they're repeating same thing.
  18. Yes, and their is nothing more appealing than when you buy one of your favourite food/snack and you get reward out of it.
  19. I believe what you can do here boblee, even only you can help VGR forum achieve more land mark of posts xD.
  20. Yes, they still make trash games one way to the other. That's why I care less this days around their video games.
  21. Their are not much gamers around in my region or the location where I am currently. I simply stay indoors with no friends, due to how situation of things looks. So, internet is the best option for me to get better review than getting from someone offline.
  22. Yeah, their is always possibility that the game will definitely hunt me provided that the person I'm playing with pose more challenge to me. Or the game is simply set so difficult that I wouldn't go all levels undefeated.
  23. He isn't doing us any favour, NFTs aren't something tangible to join video game industry. Because, we know how risky it will be when it comes to gaming.
  24. I got an information similar that, he's been relieved of his duties. I'll check to confirm if that is true or not confirmed.
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