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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. Hmm, I know that psychological stress comes with such negative act. That's why it's advised to relate with family and friends, love ones who cares for you about what's going on with your life to avoid stories that touches.
  2. I understand, because GTA six will take some time before it comes into play. I believe Rockstar are thinking about what they'll add to make it exceptional than previous editions.
  3. Motorcycle GP is better off because I enjoy playing it via my PS3 console more than GT-2 which is PS2 compatible and not playable in PS3.
  4. Having an alternative option is the best we can do. I don't like settling for a single store to shop online and offline, I am simply for all that is legit, and deals on quality and affordable too.
  5. Do you have Ninetendo console? I was thinking you're a PC user.
  6. Yes, some children even adults finds it difficult to communicate their health issues with their parents which is bad.
  7. It's not only available on mobile devices, you can still play it via Ninetendo console, the switch is compatible with the game, DS version is also suitable as well.
  8. I am playing GT-4 at the moment. But I also have the GT-2, both are making sense, and I'm enjoying driving like I did with MGP.
  9. Humans are made different, that's why I follow my own path and not trying to follow others because I wouldn't know the reason why they are doing what they're doing.
  10. Yes, I understand your point. They go out of stock most of the time. And they aren't update like the way most reputable on-line stores are, that's why E-commerce stores will always be the sort after stores compared to offline stores.
  11. Lol, he was simply making fun around the video and thinking his entertaining us the best possible way through his voice, but that's annoying 😂.
  12. Yes, asphalt is one good game when it comes to experiencing racing via VR world. If I stall the game via my console it will simply be four different racing games on my console, (overload).
  13. My PS3 console doesn't need much of the space for installation of video games. I use the slim PS3 console whose internal storage drive is 500GB and most of the games installed via the drive isn't up to 20GB. I have 20 games installed at the moment, I still have 140GB left for more.
  14. You're simply right dearie, I'll simply seek for such information to get the right update via the game features and quality to know if it worth it.
  15. You see, everyone has his or her way of life and doing things. Mine doesn't let me do things I love, it will simply take me direct to sleep, but after 4-6 hours of none stopped sleep, I'll definitely wake up.
  16. 😅, It's cool video game, it's puzzles aren't stressful like the one of candy crush and Minecraft Gorogoa etc, lol. You simply have to jump those lines to the next safety place continuously.
  17. I never knew you enjoy investing around cryptocurrency, that's cool. At this moment I don't think Google executives are interested in going into such line, if not they could've done it some years back.
  18. Lol, that's exactly what's happening at the moment. I'll be skeptic until I see the effect of the vaccine with those that have vaccinated already. If it's positive on their side then I'll consider vaccinating.
  19. 😅, That's exactly what's going on. You don't blame us, that's the system we've found ourselves in. Due to corruption in the system we don't trust any politician.
  20. To me the bugs aren't getting better with new versions. When I played FIFA 06 some years back, the gameplay wasn't bad like it is now.
  21. I understand, it wouldn't go off entirely because humans aren't living in a perfect world. Their must be fraudulent people among the good ones.
  22. Do you know why I said so? Okay, some scalpers are fraudulent, they aren't what they claim to be. They go on create a take E-commerce store, just to get attention of gamers into pre-ordering new game that is yet to be released fully.
  23. If EA gonna concentrate in removing or reducing the glitches to extremely low level, it's simply enough to be called massive improvement. Than producing games with improvement in kits, appearance, licencing etc, and thinking they've done the best, whereas game-play is zero.
  24. Google is everywhere, I believe the CEO of Google is among the richest business men in the world due to its remarkable achievements around Google.
  25. It's encouraging to keep the console or a PC on a warm temperature, not too hot or cold. It's not encouraging to expose it to heat weather or extreme cold weather.
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