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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. I really don't know why, maybe they got other ways in which they get to know about games that worth their time and money.
  2. That's why many always go for warranty products. With such kind of fault on the product or item you bought newly you can easily return it to the seller and seek for refund.
  3. And you did just what I wanted to see. The video really helped out, and I've learned how to adjust the brightness using the console.
  4. I got you, you should stick to what you love and not compromising it for anyone. Everyone simply wants money especially what gives you more happiness on Earth.
  5. xD, it's just like that to me now. During the earlier time when I played it through PS2 console it was like a blast, but now, modern video gameplay have upgraded.
  6. I made mentioned about the game, it's a game I played during my childhood using a symbian phone around 2007-2010. It's been a while, even, I can't keep to the date when I played it.
  7. 😂😂, That's it. It might sound hilarious but that's the best time for me when it concerns gaming. I don't like distraction of whatsoever ringing in my ears apart from the noise coming directly in-game.
  8. I understand that short time interval aren't the best for video game enjoyment. I prefer praying when my body pleases to stop and not rushing up due to little duration of time invested at that time.
  9. No, I am not, nor I am interested to be one in the future. I stay cool, pay for any video game which is driven by passion in my life.
  10. Without the reviews I would've ended up playing a bad game. The reviews have helped me alot and I'm happy taking them.
  11. I am not upgrading my two controllers, I am okay with my two PS3 controllers. I'll only buy new one when I get an upgraded device for gaming.
  12. Playing games at nights is most interesting to me, due to its quiet temperature, without noisy atmosphere. Everywhere is always calm at nights.
  13. Windows PC is a tremendous device for video gaming due to its maligned features and the act of modding the game as you wanted in an advanced video games.
  14. Any one whom gaming is his or her favourite hobby, will always find that drive to play video games every time due to the satisfaction that comes through it.
  15. Playing with other real players like me brings happiness to me, I love to test my hands with other pro gamers online to see if I am making progress on such video game or not.
  16. And I wouldn't compromise quality for any other thing. But we shouldn't make it obvious, selling above the market expected price tag even if we got lots of customers. We should also put the customers forward and not thinking about personal profit alone, but customers satisfaction too.
  17. Surely, any entertainment that keeps one happy almost every time brings about happiness that keeps one live longer due to state of feeling emotional appealing and not depressed.
  18. Most of the open world games are marred by glitches which made it very much dissatisfactory. If the game developers will enable glitch-less video game it will bring back the minds of those gamers back loving more of open world games.
  19. Not everyone love such, even if PS5 console is out of stock. Some would simply wait for it to come back in stock for them to buy instead of pre-ordering to get it faster.
  20. I love GTA series, and far cry, Final Fantasy. They are simply my best pick when it comes to best RPGs of all time.
  21. The console is mainly built for gaming, meaning, it can serve for long duration of time when it comes to playing games with it.
  22. Their are some 3D smart phone games which are still interesting. I play Spider-Man 3D Android game, it's simply cool the way the gameplay is made.
  23. I can't be repeating myself over and over doing same actions or playing same games all the time. I love moving to other games to experience new things.
  24. That's one reason I decided to stay off from going to video game hall, they can talk s**t. It's simply better for me to stay indoors and play without anyone claiming to have known it all around a particular game.
  25. Higher version consoles brings about the best quality. Playing Last of us I and II on PlayStation 4 or 5 will simply make gaming worthwhile.
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