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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. Justin11


    Congratulations to you joining twitch. It's simply like YouTube, you'll get to upload a video content if your own seeking for monetization. Are you planning to stream via twitch?
  2. I simply checked out, it's an Android and Windows PC compatible video game developed by steam. The cover of the game is making me believe that, it will surely be a top game.
  3. That's how cruel the government have become in Africa, which isn't looking good, cruel indeed. I wonder when we are going to see better Africa with some evil leaders still occupying the political chamber.
  4. It's okay, since you wouldn't pass such hassle, it's better as you've chosen it. I just prefer the way I've been going to avoid overpayment.
  5. I concur with what you've just said. Graphics and gameplay wasn't up to the current day standard. It was simply okay back then, nowadays video games have upgraded.
  6. I tried to get the console version of the game but it's unavailable for consoles. Even the Android version isn't found at the moment. It's gladiator begins you'll get, and it's only compatible with PSP.
  7. That's fantastic, I am a big fan of racing games. I am going to update my backlog add rocket league latest edition and Gran Turismo 2 or 4 edition.
  8. At least it gives me clue how the gameplay of any video game gonna look like. I enjoy taking my time watching those trailers.
  9. Nothing last forever, even the ultra modern PS5 will fade at some point. But at least we should enjoy it before it gets damaged. Being quality accessories makes it last longer.
  10. I'll be going back.to playing prince of persia, DMC, then play a new game which is GT2 or 4. This are the games on my mind to get back into.
  11. It's good to ways rotate what you're playing, sticking to one particular game at times makes it boring at later stages. I love to play other games, share experiences with other gamers and learn from them too.
  12. F1, FIFA, and Motor GP are the options of video games which I am simply happy playing online. I can confidently play with anyone and enjoy better gaming time.
  13. It depends on my mood at that moment when it comes to playing video games. I can be in the mode of having fun driving or playing soccer or mission games etc. That's how I choose what to play and make fun.
  14. That's where it's more interesting, taking those reviews made by website owners or channel owners gives a gamer clue about a particular video game he never played before on how it will run via gameplay.
  15. Be thing I love about manual save in video games is that, any position in video game you didn't enjoy you can simply start over and leave it unsaved.
  16. I can simply enjoy very short time playing racing games, that's where my passion is mostly upon. I enjoy driving motorcycle in RL, replicating such lifestyle in gaming makes it worthwhile for me.
  17. Since I am not one of those who has enough to spend either pre-ordering or buying immediately after the game's official release. I wait a little longer when the game have settled down with enough supplies to buy at a discounted price.
  18. 1£ million is a huge one, such amount can bring double thoughts around a gamer who is very passionate around gaming to drop down his or her passion for the money, if the gamer aren't financially stable.
  19. It's really a long one for you playing FIFA series from 98 till now. I think you're a legend playing EA FIFA game series. I love the games developed by Capcom too, prince of Persia, and super Mario are old games I still love till now.
  20. I don't play much of the online game at the moment, I am more into offline racing. But at times I do play multiplayer exhibition match with another player online, and it's an amazing one too.
  21. Do you think no one else have played it apart from you? It seems in this forum you're the only one that played it, it's unpopular video game. Correct me if I am mistaking xD.
  22. Very soon, I'll be adding Gran Turismo raving game series as one of my best game series of all time. I love racing, and the GT2 and 4 caught my attention after watching their trailers.
  23. All the FF versions I've clicked on their trailers all made sense, starting from 1-15. But I love the FF edition XIII-2 which is the remastered version, with what I saw on game review site.
  24. Yeah, it's all about exposure, I went further to research about the super Mario game, and I discovered that, I've played the game in the past via Java mobile phone, but I never knew its Super Mario Lol.
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