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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. I simply endure it and enjoy the game due to my love for football. I love seeing my favourite footballers being recreated in a virtualized way. But FIFA isn't my favourite game, I am mostly engaged with MGP and formula one racing series.
  2. Crazy indeed, that's why playing at the comfort of your home is simply the best. Where such noise makers wouldn't distort your hearing or gaming.
  3. I played on a then VCD device that comes with the game as a gift. I played it when my senior siblings bought the device around 2007, that's when I played it as a kid.
  4. Yes, PC isn't expensive when it comes to comparing it with the console new generation devices. I've played quite some PC games in the past via my cousins gaming PC windows device, the games he bought then was cheaper.
  5. I saw the way he talked about the game so good, seeing him omitting it via his favourite game list was simply surprised to me. That's why I asked him about the game, I am still waiting for his reply soon.
  6. Yeah, that's my target come 2022. I've taken my gaming serious, mastering car racing which is F1, and MGP. I am working to master GT racing game, in order to combine the three in my streaming adventure plus other mission games too that is interesting.
  7. Sure, that's the essence of going for brand new computer. When you get it, every other accessories are simply made brand new too, which makes it last for a while.
  8. That's just the simple truth there. If he knows how to play then he shouldn't have lost by such high score margin.
  9. No problem, you've tried to get it for me, but unfortunately it's unavailable. We keep our ears open, our eyes open too in case of this kind of opportunities emerge in the future we'll be among the first people getting into it.
  10. I might be changing my mind in.tje next seven days to get a Windows PC especially the one suitable for gaming, since it can serve me alot, not just for gaming but other stuffs.
  11. Justin11


    You're right bro, YouTube is the best pick due to its high level of popularity worldwide. I wouldn't consider going to twitch since I have YouTube around the corner which is well-known.
  12. That's simply an act of love, he is a saviour indeed. Such scene will be emotional to me, due to the fact he gave up his life for others.
  13. I know consoles like PS5 will come with a very high external storage drive space, which any gamer can simply get and enjoy endless installation of games.
  14. Thanks a lot @Shagger for letting me know exactly how streamers at twitch-follows earn their money. It's just similar like streaming video games at YouTube too. Both of them are instrumental when it comes to monetizing the video game streaming channel with enough options just as you've stated.
  15. In as much as I love playing racing, I never really got myself into GT (Gran Turismo) series much. I recently got to watch the trailer of GT2, it was superb, the graphics is amazing, I've made it a priority to install it this weekend on my PS3.
  16. I've been wondering about different ways a passionate video game player can make money through his or her passion being around video game. Apart from streaming either on YouTube or twitch, which other ways can a gamer make money being around video games?
  17. I've been getting information how those users, who are streaming their favourite video games earn a living through streaming. I really don't know how the tricks works for them, that enables them to earn a living just streaming. Can someone highlight the possible ways, how streamers earn money streaming video games at twitch-follows platform?
  18. The graphics in the next fifty years (50) will be audacious. Since the modern games really edged past the 90s and early 2000s games. That's how the GPU in the next 50 years will become even more super quality than the meantime.
  19. The first time I got my hands on Elder scrolls vs. Skyrim I really enjoyed the magic on that game, which gives gamers option to do custom modding and command any action using the game tricks or magic.
  20. As the saying always go, age is a number, any one can do something tremendous which he or she is passionate for, and do it perfectly well. I am in my late teen age, in the next 50 years, I believe I'll be around playing video games.
  21. I bought a controller that has a steering curve like a vehicles steering type via my PS2 console when such controller was trending. I spend $20 then to afford it, and it served me long time.
  22. I think GT2 is the best option when it comes to picking any one from GT series. That's the one I am going to install via my PS3 on weekend.
  23. What do you mean about D.C and Virginia?
  24. Such amount of money is whopping indeed, I must say the least. If I am faced with such amount, it will be tempting to me to quit gaming, but everything isn't about money.
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