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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. I think the system in dragon age is more preferable since you will be notified when your inventory is full or low than simply not getting such notice around Oblivion.
  2. Such uptrend will continue around virtual reality games come 2022, many companies will still be interested heading over investing into it, which will boost it's popularity.
  3. Swapping my controller with my friend during offline multiplayer exhibition match, thinking that I still control the same team but never knew I took on my friend's team.
  4. I can't really figure out the games which their concept is bad, but the gameplay becomes too notch. Most of the games I've played are super via concepts.
  5. I can't bet that on soccer games because their movement is poor very unrealistic indeed. I never discovered such around any video game before.
  6. When I gave a level, quest or task far too longer than expected. I simply learn from the expert gamer if I love the gameplay. But if I don't like the gameplay or still hard to learn I'll simply draw a line to end my association with the game.
  7. I don't buy items from in-game merchants via RPGs. I simply do the upgrade in the shop, maybe it's due to the game type which I'm playing via my PS3 that doesn't have such feature.
  8. Your experience with outer world's is very common in video game when it comes to feeling crazy about the game like the way we are crazy in some RL scene. When I lose a race with AI via MGP it's simply more crazier like a had a crashed down with my vehicle IRL.
  9. Thanks. If so, then I'll head over to install it at my favourite offline game shop.
  10. It should always centre to my own character and no other. I didn't spend money to buy a game simply to promote AI and not focusing on my own pro career.
  11. That's one of my priority come 2022, I simply wants to master my favourite games, then go Live via twitch and stream for financial rewards.
  12. I'll be more interested in halting down corrupt leaders, criminals, if I have the firepower to do just that. They've really taking my country of residence on its tolling.
  13. Something must warrant it for a gamer to quit a game halfway. I can quit a game halfway if I am simply not enjoying the game or I'm losing by bizarre margin against AI.
  14. Yeah, those two games are mainly role-playing games under FPS which one can shoot while driving the car.
  15. Lol, EA thought we all came for the music alone. But no matter how their is bugs/glitches on the game 'FIFA, I still manage to enjoy the gameplay and the soundtrack too.
  16. Their are thousands of games developed, I wouldn't get to know them all. But some are simply hilarious in gameplay.
  17. Lol, no one knows when you're feeling crazy about the game because you're simply doing it in the private. Lots of gamers express their crazy attitude via gaming even in the public game hall.
  18. I played contra 4 very much, to the extent it was like, my everyday childhood game together with winning eleven soccer.
  19. I love PC games because they aren't all that expensive compared to what we are seeing around PS4 console and PS5 or Xbox one, series X and Ninetendo switch.
  20. I will definitely protest and receive sack letter when I don't like the workload. I can't be working and suffering myself. It will simply be a slave job in the modern era which I am doing.
  21. You answered it, it's motorcycle GP. I do abbreviate it to 'MGP, it sounds funny though. Yes, it's nice to wait and get the review of any game that is new to you.
  22. Yes, it has a checkpoint where we can save the level or mission we've accomplished. I've come across that via adventure games, and it is mostly like that.
  23. That's it dude. Every gamer has his or her choice. My choice might be different from another, that's why we shouldn't brand any video game worst ever, because to another, it's simply perfect.
  24. What you said is correct, because such ROM @Empire mentioned is way too high for an internal storage. I never seen any computer on Earth having such as internal storage drive.
  25. I can even enjoy my MGP 2021 edition for more years without being in a haste for new editions from it, or other series of games I am used to playing.
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