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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. You didn't include your top eleven soccer game, in which you've been showcasing in this forum?
  2. Provided it's on sports game, you can simply reprogram the timeframe, set it where you want it due to the allocated time which you want to offer at that moment for the game.
  3. Every game has its own best feature, all must not be the same, or try to have the complete features. They are simply video games, they wouldn't act 100% reality as we want.
  4. Sure, that's why I prefer watching from YouTube. It is more believing when you see with your eyes instead of the written work alone.
  5. I never copied my save time elsewhere, I do override the saved files when I forgot something very important to correct.
  6. GTA series is always there for you to start over again anytime, be it next year or two years time. Maybe by then you'll start with the latest version of GTA, being version '6.
  7. That's impressive, I believe you've played the returned leg against RMA. What's the latest?
  8. Maybe I'll go hook up with the WatchMojo channel at YouTube, because the positive reviews is simply great around it, and I'm open to subscribe.
  9. I've seen the game trailer I am believing it is as good as the movie. I'll be testing my hand on the video game, as for the movie I'll watch it when I am chanced enough since it's longer.
  10. Sure, I'll be doing some installation of the video game this weekend when I got enough space, I love the rocket league game, and final fantasy VII and I.
  11. I understand nothing last forever, at least we should enjoy the original of the accessories before thinking about getting a new one.
  12. If you want to make a career in shooting then you should enter force. Police or soldier spot is always available.
  13. Lol, the character is messiah, simply sacrificing for others in the game to live. Did this scenario take place in final fantasy 1 or 7?
  14. Sure, that's exactly how it should go bro, it doesn't matter at all. What matters is that, they are playable on my system or console.
  15. It is like that for some persons, and we happen to be that. I can play my favourite game longer period of time without feeling bored over it. Unless natural tiredness makes me go otherwise.
  16. I wouldn't try to copy or remake the game because it will be infringement of another person's creative works. And it violates copy right laws.
  17. Hmm, it's an outdated one, I don't think I can have much time to play it, but I am not ruling it out, when I feel to go retro I'll consider it.
  18. Wonderful I believe the character's array of magic impress you alot around the game? I never played the remake version of the final fantasy VII.
  19. Can you please share me a link of that, if it's still available? I love such kind of contest to win something out of my passion for gaming.
  20. Thanks alot, I've seen it via the video, and I've learned how to adjust the brightness too.
  21. I said it, because recently I saw a video where you dismantled a friend of yours via a PC winning eleven soccer by same scoreline you suffered on your own.
  22. Had it been the cables of my PS3 console wasn't connected to the wall socket during the time the thunder stormed it wouldn't have affected it. It was simply attached on the wall, that's why it destroyed it.
  23. Trailers are made entertaining and it's an eye opener too around any video game even though it doesn't say it all.
  24. The both TLOU games are superb, God of war, COD the modern warfare, Deus Ex, are wonderful video games which brings quality gaming experience.
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