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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. Recommendations is better off too, especially when it comes from the legitimate sources without any form of deformity.
  2. That's how it should be, if the timing is right for you, then their is no problem chasing it down provided it feels the obligation which you want it for.
  3. Both of them are very much pivotal it serves our desire by revealing what we should know about a video game that caught our attention if it's a good game or never.
  4. It's very much disappointing to come to find out that what's been hindering you from installing a video game is simply the act of running out of storage. That's why I go for the ROM too when I am looking out for gaming device.
  5. Laughs, provided it's performing what it's been expected from em then their is no problem at all controlling your favourite protagonist in the game.
  6. Skyrim is very realistic game, it has lots of features that allows a gamer to use his or her character as if it's in RL, where everything is real.
  7. Super Mario have been said very often here, which other users said; it's been around since 90s and still looking interesting due to how it is on the steady revamp.
  8. It's always encouraging to put on the protective gadget during gaming, at least it helps to prolong the gamer's life in the game depending the game type.
  9. The games I've installed via my PS3 console this year isn't much, but at least it is serving me. I can't even finish their missions even if they stays with me till 2023.
  10. You're right, but the hunger to taste just a single run in, wouldn't allow me to forget about it. I'll simply use the minimal time leftover to play it like that.
  11. It's good the game have been mentioned here as a bad game, I've marked it's name, no matter how it is advertised via the trailer i wouldn't consider it.
  12. I do manual save especially when I am playing mission games I simply use the manual save, to set my game manually when I feel like the mission or level needs to be saved.
  13. I just love the option to Manually edit my pro, change his appearance and add other items which I bought to make it look eye catching.
  14. That will simply be a mobile phone or PC gaming. I never heard about that game via the consoles. I'll check if their is any available on consoles .
  15. Getting stuck repeating same old console is an adjustment which I never loved. My first PS3 damaged, I tried to get a PS4 console but the funds back then was much, which made me considering the PS3 back.
  16. The gameplay, graphics, background, soundtrack etc, must be superb to bring about best gaming experience.
  17. I never watched the witcher movie before, I simply watched it's trailer here, which has made me loving the game, I once played it via my friend's PS4.
  18. I saw the trailer earlier in this forum, either you or @Boblee posted it and I really enjoyed, which wanna push me getting the game.
  19. Their is nothing more original more than when you buy it as brand new and a quality model, it's charger and other accessories of the PC will serve you long time.
  20. Their are simply many games recreated towards some sort of skills, and they simply worthwhile. Piano, guitar games, racing, soccer, shooting etc, they all require special skills or tricks to get down with each of them.
  21. Final Fantasy 14-15 has impressed me through the trailer I watched it from. I don't know if the games are compatible with my PS3.
  22. When I am playing through stress, or pushing myself too hard to reach some certain levels of the game, it will simply affect my well-being because I went against what my body needs.
  23. I simply enjoy the games on my radar I don't play them simply because, I am the first person ever played it. Some of the games have existed before I knew about video games, and others have even tasted it back then.
  24. The brief research I made around final fantasy game series show that, it's been existing since 1985. Which is totally I long one from the date it started existing.
  25. Final Fantasy series have really come a long way, I never knew about the video game before, I knew it recently and I am pleased with it's series.
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