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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. I've made my intentions known that I want to be a streamer, I simply want to stream my favourite video game 'MGP at twitch follow platform she earn financial reward with time.
  2. I always smile when I decide to run and pause the speed in MGP, my pro will simply be nodding the head. To me, it will be as if he is enjoying such driving.
  3. It will be better to rest the hand and allow the injury to heal proper then you can give it a go again, and enjoy your favourite video games.
  4. PS4 or PC windows 10 or 11 are good alternative options to PS5 console. At the moment, PS5 is expensive and we can't get it if we aren't financial stable.
  5. I don't think their is need to get the software to adjust the brightness of the TV to keep it safe for normal brightness, one can just do that using the TV remote and toggle to brightness section.
  6. Things are quite expensive now, it simply depends on the quality. I've seen an iPad ear-pod that cost '$250 for just a single pair.
  7. Any video game which I can't lay my hands on at the moment I simply continue with the options at my disposal and that's all .
  8. Justin11


    I live going to YouTube more especially when I want to seek reviews for any video game of my choice. I believe what I see more than what I read.
  9. I just love to play without the partner. Already my favourite video doesn't require partners or companions just me and AI.
  10. I am.stuck with FIFA 18, since then I never upgraded due to PS3 unable to play higher generation edition of the series. It will be possible for me to play newer editions when I upgrade the console.
  11. What were you doing that made you losing with such whopping scoreline? Don't you know you'll be subjected to state of mockery?
  12. Since I experienced a shocker earlier time when the thunder destroyed my hard earned PS3 console back then,I am always skeptic leaving my game cables around the wall socket.
  13. In as much as I play MGP games often I can't come and be bragging around the video game that I can beat anyone that comes to compete with me offline or online exhibition. Gaming is 50/50 anyone can win or lose too.
  14. I live watching the trailers, it brings fun time, even though it doesn't say it all around the video game which owns such trailer.
  15. I love reading long reviews of essay made around the video game I admire to play. When I see lots of positive from different reviewers it pushes me hard to go for the game.
  16. When I didn't go anywhere for the day, and I have enough time for entertainment, definitely I'll have my time playing games for 4-6 hours in 24 hours period.
  17. Ability to change the customized designs of our character manually via any mission, change the season, and look of the background manually, will really bring nice feelings around the video game, making us not to go bored anytime soon.
  18. The ultra modern designs of controllers is simply pushing me hard to go spend the little amount I got just to get it over at my PS3. I'll wait patiently until when I launch PS4 that's when I'll be considering any controller.
  19. Remastered or no remastered version, Ubisoft killed the game off the very day they brought in F2P into it, which I've come to hate with passion.
  20. I wouldn't know how the future will be for me in the latter stages of my career playing games. Maybe, I can wake up overnight and hate some games which I am.enjoying at present, that's nature.
  21. That's fabulous, I'll go check for GT2, to see how it goes. Is it compatible with PS3 console?
  22. You're right dearie, and that is very much common here in Africa. It's very regretful one that our government locked us up without providing good at least for the less privileged.
  23. Yeah - provided that the game isn't horribly difficult, anyone who is a gamer can get along with time around the game. What matters is having that affection to keep grinding with the game.
  24. I don't shop at eBay, I simply go check for product prices there, to compare with the local store I'm buying from. I don't think their are such there, because eBay restrict such through the help of their escrow service.
  25. You're correct, it might be too old die to my locality being under-developed. The developed countries have seen light years ago, which made the availability of this games being a long one for them.
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