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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. Not a lot of open world and includes this feature, I Know GTA has this feature too but the only consequences was that you could barge into a house and get ambushed or shot by the residents.
  2. Devil may cry didn't do really bad with character redesign and you wouldn't even notice any changes unless you are paying close attention to every detail of the game.
  3. If it doesn't end then gamers could play a single game for ever and there would be no need for other games, I wouldn't want that though when I could just play whichever game I want without just playing a single game for long periods.
  4. It possible because in soccer games the opponent have several playing patterns if you are in the single player mode , the higher the difficulty the stronger the teams are, this functions are programmable and the game developers could develop a program that could do this same functions for combat and bosses you encounter in-game.
  5. I haven't played the Game though but I have see some game play videogames and anytime I get to that scene it's always empathic.
  6. I do that sometime, I usually have a long list of video games I would like purchase or play but for a good number of them I don't end up playing it so I just watch streams of those video games as a way of Experiencing it. I didn't own the power wash simulator but my friend does , that's how I even got to know about the simulator.
  7. Getting a VR sounds really cool, I only know a few people who own one and I have been fantasizing about owning a VR headset. Did he get it at a discount or in some other ways?
  8. I prefer been able to choose bad or good and your character isn't preprogrammed but you determine their actions by your gameplay. There aren't many video games like this and the ones we have you are either made to be the bad or good guy .
  9. I wasn't even referring to the first ever video game but I was actually talking about table top Consoles like Atari, Xbox and PlayStation. Or are you suggesting that they have been other table top Consoles available before the Atari 2600.
  10. To be honest I still find it hard following maps most of the times I just go on my own instincts and I only know I have gotten to where I need to be if the red pointer on the map is directly above me. I still play well though but maps aren't just my forte.
  11. I Know a few people who are already well acquainted with keyboard and mouse and would play even better with them than when they are using controllers. I could play with a keyboard and mouse as much as I would if I am given a controller.
  12. They are bringing Microtransactions to resident Evil , Its not surprising because I Know at some point other game developers would want to try out Microtransactions since fans still play videogames with or without them and microtransactions doesn't even affect the overall sales of video games. I can only wait and see what it turns out to be when it is eventually released.
  13. When I play GTA sometimes I just wander off to a different path other than the one that's on the map and I usually do find some cash laying around it some car I could use to get to where I am supposed to be. The cash is usually useful later on when I want to purchase something in game.
  14. That's sounds really cool, but that would mean you would have to fight them twice first as a week character and then as a boss. Well, since you already fought them before you would already have the advantage of knowing their moves. But what if you get defeated by more than one weaker character so that means you have to fight each of them again.
  15. In fortnite you start with as little as no weapons entirely and you have to play to gather weapons that would give you more advantage in the game which is absolutely pointless. For a first time player it would be difficult to adapt since every other players you encounter in fortnite might have already gotten good weapons which would put you at a disadvantage.
  16. I could remember one time on Grand theft sahandres where I had to Meet up with a female character in the game we sat and talked but then I was attacked so the date ended just as suddenly as it began.
  17. I do that when I play racing games the controller is just like the steering wheel and I would move my arms like I am actually driving a real car.
  18. I really think the graphics of silent Hill 1 wasn't that bad and it was just right compared to other video games released at the same time frame with it .
  19. I really don't know why they discontinued the Chronicles of riddick and they had a really good thing going on already and the movie was also been released and it was such a cool movie back then. Other series like burnout, SSX , crazy taxi as well absolutely needs a come back.
  20. I absolutely enjoyed playing Xenoblade Chronicles and the sound track is an 8/10 (heavy metallic) The sound track for uncharted 3
  21. I know Atari is probably the first ever video game console and this documentary Just made it a lot more clearer. The pong game looks simple but the idea was way ahead of its time and that has led us to the current advancement in the world of video games.
  22. This is more of a personal observation than it is general, you could get an incite into certain things through video games bit someone else might not get that Same knowledge from it. If you appreciate it more but others doesn't it doesn't justify that people don't appreciate video games for knowledge you could get from it which is often times just your own personal experience.
  23. It would be good to have a VGR channel on YouTube where they do video game reviews and post other game related contents on the channel.
  24. The definitive edition is so cool I played in on ps5 a few weeks ago, I was thinking about getting for my PlayStation 4 so I can be able to play it from my apartment.
  25. Like they would give the 'scratch and sniff' disc a smell associated with the game or something inside the game. It sounds cool though but I wouldn't wanna play around games and sniff disc as well.
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