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Lamarr the strelok

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Everything posted by Lamarr the strelok

  1. You maybe already know Justin but laptops don't have the same performance as a desktop.The desktop versions are almost always better than laptops.But if you're planning on gaming on the go a laptop is the way to go. Just something to consider.
  2. I get the SP battlefield games super cheap for PC.Even SP campaign you need to use Origin.It is one of the most unreliable pieces of shit software I've ever used.At least half the time I try to open it it crashes or locks up.I have a couple Mass effects on there too but I dread dealing with Origin.And for all of you that have never heard of Origin consider yourself lucky.I want to access all my PC games through Steam with no other launchers.You need to use Rockstars launcher for their games and I simply won't get any R* games because of it.I mostly keep away from Ubi games because of their mandatory launcher.Same with EA and Origin.PC gaming can be a pain in the ass compared to consoles.
  3. I've got 2 desktop Dells and a Asus gaming laptop. I use my 15 year old one to watch youtube crime shows. Only a 2 core ,2 Gb RAM, gt430 with 1 GB of VRAM.It has Linux mint on it and it works great.720 or 1080 p resolution and the only limit on that is my meh internet. My 7 year old gaming desktop has a i7 4770,16 GB RAM and an AMD RX 570 with 8GB VRAM. I don't get new games right away but Shadow of tomb raider looks awesome on my 55 inch tv I use for gaming. Hell, Rise of the tomb raider looks gorgeous.My nephew gave me his old gaming laptop too.It sits in the middle of the other two I have. I'm in the process of ditching windows so I have a few hard drives with both windows 10 and a few with linux mint on them.The laptop is 11 years old but it's more than adequate for general surfing and the 8 threads allow you to a bunch of other stuff at the same time if you want.It can play older games but I prefer to game on the Dell desktop.I only use Defender on Windows and anti virus isn't really needed in Linux mint.Defender has worked great for me many years.
  4. Also,liberals don't need to claim shit. They say the shit on fox and they tape it. Easy to verify.
  5. I'm all for infrastructure but I don't know how much it would help crime. Drunks can be a drunk dumb ass requiring police service on the road or on a bus/train.It may result in less DUI's though.
  6. Prohibition and taxes won't stop alcohol consumption. And alcohol and tobacco are already taxed too fucking much.people the world over just love booze. They make the shit in prisons even.As far as violence,I'm sure that booze is involved in most cases.Prohibition made potheads in to criminals with the war on drugs.Booze is deeply embedded into American society.
  7. IDK where you go but welfare cheats and bums are the last thing I worry about where I go.Worrying about them is like worrying about a paper cut when you have a .45 cal bullet in your brain.And the fact you didn't mention the WORKING poor in the original post says everything I need to know about where you're coming from . And yes you did agree with that.'people that are constantly poor have something wrong with them'.Also if a poor person fucks up too bad he/she will be homeless.If you're rich and fuck up you'll go back to daddy's mansion. Big difference.
  8. Yeah I'm on my second scoot too after some piece of shit stole my first scoot. Dumb fuck dropped his vape machine worth around 100 bucks. And yes I used to scoot late at night when everything is quiet.It was cool; I was trying to figure out how to get another scoot and my sisters and brother chipped in to buy me another scoot.7400 miles on it and still going strong.
  9. No idea what music 'goth's listen to. And most 'hair bands' have love songs.They mostly suck but that's a far cry from macho.
  10. Heck yeah! I have a 50cc scooter that gets about 80 mpg. I can only drive it if it's at least 50 F so it's been a long winter.I'll be gettin back on it soon though.It helps clear my mind when I just put around town. It's good therapy for me.😀 Blackangel I agree with you except the winter part. It's been a long cold winter here.
  11. The ONLY group of people that can do this are rich people. Some rich people are assholes isn't really newsworthy.
  12. Some of my biggest influences as a guitarist came about in the 80s.George Lynch,Matthias Jabs, Akira Takasaki and others were in bands that were considered hair metal.Sure it got dumb in the late 80s but there were some really good musicians /guitarists from the 80s. Dirt is one of my favorite albums but most grunge to me is play shitty sounding guitars, do some heroin and feel sorry for yourself. And the Scorpions have been spreading peace through music for about 50 years.Winds of change has over a billion hits and that was years ago. As noted there was some shit bands too but some I still love 40 years later.
  13. I've worked as a dishwasher,cook and a couple gigs at Arby's.The people I worked with were fine but the pay was shit.
  14. Come on.You're implying conservatives care about the poor?Also that's my point. Sometimes a fetus will die any way so they save the mother at least.This shit ain't easy to deal with.My mom was 84 when she died. She was around before Roe v Wade.It was as fucked as you can imagine. She was pro choice. Also abortions won't stop if they're illegal. Just a lot more women will die.Which I'm sure the christians will pray for when they're dead.I'm done here. I've said my piece.
  15. 12 guitars of various flavors,8 guitar amps ,a bunch of guitar pedals,1 1x12 speaker cab,1 4x12 speaker cab, 42 inch tv,55 inch tv,garage with a 50cc chinese scooter,etc.kingpotato give the racoon some water to wash everything in and he'll be fine.😀
  16. Sounds like you're reading a bunch of religous propaganda.I seriously doubt the situation you are proposing.Either that or some key facts are missing from your story.These situations are never as simple as anti choice people say.There have been situations where the woman will die if the fetus isn't aborted.Do some research on women's health instead of half ass scenarios. To think conservatives are pro life is a joke. Otherwise they'd at least allow billions more in welfare. You know, when a 14 year old gets raped and is forced to have the baby like they'd prefer.Not many 14 year olds can make enough money to support herself and a baby.Nope they bitch about welfare cheats with just a touch or sometimes a lot of racism.And yes this should be directed or made somewhere else.
  17. And you don't leave a link to read more about your allegations.No clue WTF you're talking about. Sounds like Faux news bullshit.
  18. Thanks for doing that Reality. So basically the disc is the license to get an update that's like 50 GB in size.Basically a whole game size. I'll get it if it pops up for 10 bux at target again or something. At least it works on ps4 now. What a mess.Maybe they think they're edgy like rock* with the nudity.It just comes off as immature to me.I'll probably turn off that bullshit if needed.Thanks for all the replies!
  19. From the few reviews I've read it seems it's more of the same as the first game.Which is fine with me.The first game was on PSnow so I thought I'd try it. I didn't think I'd really like it.I ended up loving Aloy and the rest of the game.There's a kind of innocent feeling I've never had in a game before.I'll be eventually be getting the new one.Those tall necks are a pain in the ass for me to catch though!
  20. Ya it was supposed to be released in April but now it's (hopefully)coming in December.GSC sometimes does this.Delay delay.
  21. Well you could put anything in a game if you'd want. I'm just curious as to what game has sexual assault in it.I don't quite understand what happened in the first post. It's pretty creepy from what I can tell at least.
  22. Wait.Wait.Wait. OP (Stacy) what do you mean by sexual assault? I define that as rape.And I must be missing something but what game has an option to sexually assault someone? I hope I'm mistaking sexual assault with sexual harrassment.
  23. They have a dumb way of naming them. When STALKER 2 comes in December it'll actually be the fourth game in the series.
  24. I've been waiting years for a new STALKER game.The vibe is there.When GSC, the maker of STALKER games closed years ago,some devs went to 4A games and made the Metro series.I've played em all but it's still not STALKER.I know it sounds vague and maybe pretentious but atmosphere in these games is remarkable.And there are three other games besides the new one coming out.Shadow of Chernobyl,Clear sky,and the most recent one I can't remember right now. Some people say the mods are great,but I've played a few of them and simply preferred the originals.And yeah,I'd get the cheapest STALKER through Steam and see if you like it. You'd only be out a few bucks and it would be worth the risk.(I'm generous with your money) LOL I think the most expensive one is 20 bux.
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