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Everything posted by Head_Hunter

  1. Some action RPGs like RDRs, COD, brothers in army, Apex legends, FIFA etc are simply good enough for MMO..
  2. Their is no difference with what's happening in real life games from video games. In world football game during major tournaments players share tears when they lose the cup final. So, when you see gamers experiencing rage over a game that didn't go their way, unless know it's normal. But we shouldn't allow anger to penetrate our minds too hard to avoid acting mischievous.
  3. Their is no doubt, when my posture is bad, and I played for long duration, their is nothing on planet Earth that will save me from feeling pains.
  4. Everyone has choice, be it FPS or third person shooters game. I love the two provided the game is interesting with fantastic contents and game-play.
  5. You're there. No need panicking, because we wouldn't still change what's been passed. What really matters is playing again and finding fun with other games if the previous isn't satisfying due to its high difficulty level.
  6. One that is acquainted with playing with controllers steadily and never played with mouse or keyboard before, will find it hard to do away with controllers and getting into keyboard or mouse for the first time.
  7. I understand what you are saying here buddy. When you need it very urgent, you can't wait any further but simply to get it faster and satisfy your want.
  8. Current GTA trilogy edition is absolutely weird to the extent I stopped playing after few days due to bugs. So, I'll say I dropped the game due to per performance of game-play marred also by bugs/glitches.
  9. We are tired indeed, playing over and over again of buggy games. Even in recent FIFA games, it's still buggy. If not that, I'm a football core lover, I could've stopped playing.
  10. I felt disappointed spending money to get digital copy of that weird GTA trilogy game, that rockstar needed up with. If such becomes the case in the future, I wouldn't buy from rockstar anymore.
  11. It's a shame that Capcom has been underperforming. Many gamers have voiced out their frustrations via the recent RE editions. Capcom should take notice and improve on the games before it fades off.
  12. Even when their are digital copies of video games I still find the physical copy more comfortable. Maybe when the digital copy becomes the only option that's when I wouldn't have any other choice but to order.
  13. Most of the game actions are simply mirage, we know most of them wouldn't happen real life, it's simply actions that is associated with fantasy.
  14. That's the difference between games made in our present time from the early 2000s, and 90s and 80s. Graphics matters alot in a video game, that's one of the essence of remastering the old video games.
  15. I know how frustrating it is to play through bugs, that's the place that needs attention from the game devs to eradicate for best gamer's experience.
  16. I am born in this 21st century, early 200s. So, I wouldn't say move over to previous generations of video games which I never played. I'll simply start with games made from 2007 down to this day. I love PES 06 -2012 and MK 1 and 2 games earlier time..
  17. Glitches is a thing of video games, is simply part of them, it will be hard to see video games that is completely free from glitches and bugs.
  18. I'll quit immediately when the game is made unplayable after buying it. I play with bugs and glitches provided it doesn't pause my gaming progress.
  19. I'll be tempted to quit, I am a game lover that feels frustrated alot when something is stuck with my game progress. If I try it too hard, and it's still the same, I wouldn't mind flinging it off and getting over with another.
  20. Such kind of shooting range with the AI opponents puts you in real adrenaline combat rush which will prevent the issues of fatigue.
  21. It's best we play video games for the fun within, than simply feeling crazy in a course we can't change instead we should learn other ways to drag fun to our gaming.
  22. Some adults do behave like infants, some can simply cry like babies when they're losing battles to AI or simply being defeated severally by an opposite number via double player contest.
  23. Those crimes are simply too weird, it wouldn't be allowed to happen real life. Because peoples life will be in real danger due to one man terrorising the entire city. And the main character in the game wouldn't last past 20 minutes and he'll be brought down by military.
  24. I do both of them, but it seems the game industry is going on full-time digital version of games, I'll simply follow such trend to go digital as well.
  25. Normally some games makes you feel so thrilled with lots of suspense and breadth taking, after drama that is frightening indeed.
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