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Everything posted by Head_Hunter

  1. Not at all for me, I can't even swap my favourite game 'FIFA 22, for any other at the moment. I don't love used games, new games lasts longer.
  2. No, I disagree. The world football governing body (FIFA) have tried everything they could to eradicate racism but it seems far beyond repair in the world of soccer. You can't change that completely because humans are very hard to change especially those toxic individuals.
  3. Yeah for sure, Xbox series S or even X is an option to go for. Just that I'm settled in at the moment with Sony play station series. Maybe I can love Xbox later in the future since decision can fade off at times like the thin air.
  4. Yeah, and the seize is much, not something I can carry with ease. If I carry it for long, it will definitely feel heavy and I'll quickly get tired of playing. I playing with a flexible mobile phone device or a console that is relaxing independently.
  5. For me is rare, when it comes to game you bought and encouter difficulty accessing it. All video games i bought worked for me the very first time I slotted each one of them. You're lucky too that you never encountered such kind of difficulty in the first place. I always have the urge to get started right away. It will really be disappointing to come a long way buying a new game and not able to get started asap.
  6. Clearly it affects it's durability, their is nothing more sweeter and lasting when you can afford a brand new game. If it's a digital copy their is no problem, since it doesn't hang over time.
  7. TLOU, Life is strange, The walking death, are compiled with emotional touching scenes, which I do skip at times, because I don't want to be emotional while playing since they are just fictional and not real actions.
  8. I never really encountered one recently, maybe i haven't purchased much of the games either. I don't want to encouter such scenerio where bugs/glitches wouldn't let me play I game I laboured to get.
  9. Super Mario have been in the podium of masterpiece for ages now. I never played Road rash, their is no way I can give clear description of the game.
  10. When I played GTA IV on PS3 it wasn't online, it was on offline mode, I didn't experience the issue, maybe I played it later after the issue must have been resolved.
  11. I think the next edition of TLOU should be the part 3 and not 2. The edition 2 being the sequel of edition 1 was released in 2020, it took seven years before the studio came up with TLOU 2 after releasing TLOU 1.
  12. I combined PES with EA FIFA starting from 2008, until Konami ruined it recently. I stopped being around PES ad focused my attention with FIFA alone.
  13. Not at all, I didn't start gaming back them. I got into playing FIFA during the 06 edition, that was the starting of my affection for the series. Since then Its been a mainstay in my life.
  14. I decided to rewatch one of my favourite Hollywood movie, which is 'The karate Kid, a 2010 American movie, that rose Jayden Smith to prominence.
  15. If you're a streamer, it's an option for you to make money with. You can start either with YouTube or on twitch and build user-base gradually. Their are options of P2E that are free if you care about it.
  16. Yeah, their fans have become obsessed with the type of game they're making. Even if the game is low quality they'll be around playing it though.
  17. The wsy it sounds most time aren't what comes into reality. You need time devotion in such type of game and investment is involved too. I had conversation with the user who claimed to be on the earning scale of $30 daily. He told me, he invested money too to improve his earnings, it just like Axie Infinity game, not feasible for me at the moment.
  18. Their is no competition at all, such wouldn't give them the push to care much of what gamers suggests for them, to improve on.
  19. Yeah, it gives peace of mind. I hate it when I get a different product from what I ordered. I know it haven't occured for me.
  20. Sure, their is no way I'll be playing with kids that I wouldn't play in a take way. Playing at my best will result in the game being boring to them.
  21. Exactly, each country takes responsible when things aren't going as planned, maybe China feels those companies breached rules and regulations. They can't just banned those companies without reasons for it.
  22. The last information I got is that, PS Now isn't available worldwide just around 19 countries of the world, mainly from European side.
  23. The building in season 2 of the MMO game is removed temporarily as few changes carried out in the new season. Just taking effect only with the main game mode, but in the competitive and arena game mode it remains visible there.
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