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Everything posted by Head_Hunter

  1. Do you have time to play them all? I think it will be hectic on you with all this games you keep mentioning. I play few of them to keep away from dizziness.
  2. You're right. That's sad when you learn that you're the one that caused yourself harm which resulted in the password loss.
  3. Yeah, cheat gamers will always find a way to create issues and discomfort for themselves, they wouldn't use such kind of trick for themselves.
  4. If were a victim and asked to repeat such kind of price in their next video game that turned out to be trash, you'll definitely condemn Rockstar forever. I wasted money getting that trash trilogy version, getting another trash one again in the future from Rockstar will likely be game over for me.
  5. At least, you got what you wanted and the money you spent for it is well worth it for you, which you didn't complain.
  6. You're also right, but at times you might like to read and share the information here, which isn't found at YouTube for that moment.
  7. Exactly, that's exactly what they're doing at the moment. I wanted to get started with one, after learning how the gamer is earning $30 playing the games. But it takes time to mature and bringing you such amount daily.
  8. That's wonderful to hear from you about this, your family is just in-love with video games. My mom and dad dislike video games with passion, only my brothers enjoys it with me, and my little niece and nephews.
  9. xD, I wasn't aware you stated about the players, it is well understood now. It doesn't regenerate straight away playing soccer games especially on FIFA, unless in the next match.
  10. Lol, you mean your mom also join you to play some video games using the controller?
  11. Yes of course, even though I am indoors at the moment, it doesn't mean I stay in the house all through. I do go outside the building, take some fresh air and return as well.
  12. You really spent a lot to get it set up by a hardware developer. I was thinking you spent around 800$ - $100 for it. Such amount is way off my budget at the moment for a customized PC.
  13. Severe pissed up their is nothing showing that they'll be releasing it anytime soon. Sooner they'll still come and repeat same thing and yet nothing will happen.
  14. I love written reviews as well, their are times I'll not be in the mode of watching videos, it will be reading Al through.
  15. Such will always give them that much needed impression that more money can be made by pushing for it's sales with the latest release of the game.
  16. Motor GP has its own series, check you'll see motor GP developed for edition 2021, I never seen the 2022 yet, maybe that one is out too.
  17. Gaming is an option for me and my family to have fun together, especially me and my children. I am waiting for such time to come to past, definitely it will.
  18. They've gone really backwards buddy, it will take them enough time to get back on track again, let alone catching EA FIFA series.
  19. So, at the end what did you spend to get your customized laptop from the developer?
  20. PS4 is a top console, I am still enjoying my time around the console is a pleasure indeed owning one.
  21. Sure, always bringing enormous features in the game, I heard the building is ending soon, have you gotten such info?
  22. That's tremendous, you should keep on pushing her to enjoy spirited gaming like you do. She can win slot of things on gaming and fend for herself at an early time for herself.
  23. Exactly, I enjoy using the analog control, dual shock series or any other better choice.
  24. Ohh, sorry for misinterpretation, i was thinking you directed the information to me. Exactly, they can regenerate in the process of playing, it is an advantage.
  25. That's nice your niece can play such a game better than you. Women are getting involved now more than before, I am enjoying that. I'll give my niece phone soon to help me play and also my nephew, both of them can combine and mine the game to a greater height for me.
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