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Everything posted by Head_Hunter

  1. The first position is always the flagship of the competition, and the most awards and prizes goes to the user. I never went to such video game competition before in an offline way apart from the ones I battle online via FUT.
  2. I believe it will succeed their is nothing to worry about, keep working and believing in yourself.
  3. You're correct, it's just in a form of debate between two opposing individuals and they simply back their best online gaming store due to how good that one has been for them.
  4. He has, but still I don't know him, because he died before I existed. That's good to hear that your grand dad was a great man when he was alive. What other skill you learned from your grand dad?
  5. The reason why the gamers aren't going to get anything is the fact that, NFTs are going to be sold like the way lot boxes are designed to operate.
  6. Can you upload a small cutscene of your in-game FIFA 22? Let me compare it with my PS4 FIFA 22 game. Their is some certain difference in gameplay, and other intriguing features, just that the gameplay rating isn't all that high.
  7. It isn't their fault, rather, the bugs have been around video games for so long. I don't know if they know the solution to end it, or, it isn't at their reach to remove bugs/glitches to zero level?
  8. Yeah, according to Boblee they refunded him after he initiated a refund of the money used in purchasing the product that didn't match his valuation.
  9. It doesn't matter of you push a lot of money or not, what really matters is your satisfaction towards the game you find wanting.
  10. It will definitely take a while for them to win over supporters due to their delayed fixing of bugs and glitches around it's video game.
  11. Yes buddy, they've gone boundary, and I didn't come to a given community online to start giving advice to toxic users. When I noticed persistency toxicity in an online community, I am just off.
  12. You got lots of platforms you're playing with why won't you enjoy video games at its best when you have all this platforms available to you.
  13. Yes, that's why glitches and bugs are two unwanted features around video games. But they're just common, I just don't want to see them often occuring in a video game I pick interest on, if not I'll smash or uninstall the game xD.
  14. Exactly, if you don't make out a wonderful strategy you just get stuck and unable to move past such game mission.
  15. That's bizarre one indeed, I wonder why your friend will live with such kind of mindset without going through games. Such will make your friend pick out uninteresting games often.
  16. At least we are seeing it with our eyes, nothing to talk more about, because the price is there for everyone to see how affordable it is.
  17. I understand that covid 19 affected many things offline. But businesses running online wasn't affected all that. Video game production isn't affected at that badly, because we see the availability of video games and some consoles being released.
  18. That's just it, you follow your intuition when it comes to strategy games, in order to make it far and not crashing out untimely in the game.
  19. Yes, they don't care because they're enjoying it that way. Normally, I don't like changing difficulties, but when my experience is very low on the game, I do the needful by adjusting the difficulty to be plessing a little.
  20. If I have the money and extra, then I can go on to bet. But for now, I see no reasons for that, because I don't have the extra funds.
  21. That's nice, you did what I expected. Because, it could've been a ripping off for you had it been you accepted the game at loss.
  22. If you fail to prepare a nice food especially when you're offering such kind of services to the public, it means getting your customers frustrated. Winning back their heart takes virtue of unexpected turn around, just like the way cyberpunk 2077 appeared at the moment.
  23. I don't even know who my grandfather is, my father isn't a gamer in any way, he doesn't even love when you're playing more of video games.
  24. Their is nothing ripping off getting a pre-ordered game and experiencing low quality gameplay, which isn't what you hoped for.
  25. I see lots of gamers who builds up blockchain simulator games to engage people, and play it in form of given rewards to those participants and when converted to fiat currency it brings reasonable money.
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