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Everything posted by Head_Hunter

  1. It is frustrating thou that some activities during FIFA series gameplay aren't realistic. E.g during sliding tackle, you find it difficult to disposes ball from AI, all my sliding tackles always go unsuccessful. EA should improve that area, improve the speed of the players make them run like real humans and not cartoon.
  2. The game is still upcoming not yet developed. I heard about Warner Bros getting it released this year without any specific date.
  3. I wonder what I really want to enjoy when I need something more thrilling and breathtaking to play, if not playing horror games or watching Halloween season activities.
  4. The action role playing game is somewhat better, the game-play is a sequel of the previous edition which is 'Dying Light 1. Not long ago I started with the game just a week old to me, have played it just thrice this year on PS4.
  5. I am yet to play the game buddy. Those two games I mentioned are just on my mind to buy this year, I have no experience in them.
  6. I'll stick to this one that is popular which is the 0 edition and not the kiwami edition. Not that I don't like the other, but I'll finish one before going for another.
  7. That's impressive that you have a series S version of Xbox. Same scarcity with PS5 goes to series X version as well. I love digital versions nowadays, I'll be going for digital version of any of them when I am financially ready for any of them.
  8. I understand the VR feature in video games will enable us experience life outside the realms of Earth, living like AI, such gonna be thrilling when it is readily available in video games.
  9. I love Xbox X/S console, I consider those two wonderful consoles as an alternative option in case I failed to launch a PS5 later this year.
  10. This Yakuza 0 kiryu gonna be a hell of a thrilling game, I'll check it out because I saw something promising around the thriller.
  11. Pokemon Legends, Sifu, and Forspoken is on my mind at this point in time. I have Microsoft PC and a PC, which those games are compatible to any of them.
  12. I wouldn't lie, I played much more video games last two years, quite okay too last year. I can say my average playing time in the last 2 years is around 6,000 playing hours.
  13. No one knows, we're just hoping they put it into consideration anytime soon. I am not pushing much to ask for fast release, RDR-2 is Still a quality option which I am still enjoying.
  14. When I play video games something wonderful pushed me playing it. I wouldn't go on to play video game which isn't enticing to me at the time. I played dying lights, quite okay, the game-play is thrilling somewhat.
  15. I never used eBay to purchase products before, I don't understand how things works there, I prefer sticking to Amazon or utilizing my local e-commerce store and feel at ease.
  16. I never got to play Read Dead online before, in fact it is the first time hearing it. When I checked the trailer it resembles GTA series video game, just as Crazycrab said.
  17. That's to say, every one got choice. I am simply like you, I go for my own choice by enjoying the game slowly not rushing at all.
  18. That's tremendous to hear, at least you have hope if owning a PS5. I just hope too, the game becomes widely available.
  19. Yeah, provided their is life, good health it doesn't matter at all. We'll simply wait for any moment for the game release date.
  20. Go to eBay, Amazon, in fact go eBay you'll get what you need with affordable price better than Amazon.
  21. Yes, the publisher is simply like a producer, they're simply integral part of the game development as well. I know the game have devs, I picked warner Bros, due to their popularity in the video game industry as the representer here.
  22. Very true, this shows you're a pure gamer of Arkham City. Which scene/part of the video game impressed you the more?
  23. Yeah, that's the biggest purchase in history, I never seen one like that before.
  24. xD, my mind is made up on such kind of situation of withstanding the pressure of horror video games and movies, I am an adult now, no longer a kid.
  25. I play Batman Arkham City, played little of Batman Arkham Knight. Maybe I can get that one too and play it full-time like I am enjoying Arkham City.
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