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  1. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Heatman in Oldest console you own?   
    No, there is nothing like Sega Odyssey but there is Arcus Odyssey which was a video game released for Sega Genesis Console in 1991. 
  2. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Heatman in Most annoying music?   
    Yeah, most of the soundtrack in GTA SAN ANDREAS are very cool to my taste as well. This one Tainted Love is among my favorites. 
  3. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to StaceyPowers in Games where you can turn your enemies against one another?   
    Sometimes in TLOU 2 and in Left Behind, there are parts where you can turn Infected and human opponents against each other strategically. What are some other games that include this feature?
  4. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to StaceyPowers in Major inconsistencies in lore?   
    What are some games that feature major inconsistencies in lore? For example, between Dragon Age: Origins and Inquisition, there are some inconsistencies regarding the information about whether Templars do or do not require lyrium to access their abilities.
  5. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to StaceyPowers in What games feature weather that actually affects play?   
    What games feature weather that is more than cosmetic in nature, and actually affects gameplay?
  6. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Heatman in What is the longest time you haven’t been able to install any new games because of storage limitations?   
    The new games that are coming out now are very high in the sizes and it will be a very serious challenge for some gamers like me that's got big backlog. 
  7. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from AndreiMirfi in PS5 Will Automatically Skip Studio Logos At Boot After Viewing Them Once   
    I believe that's how PS5 console bos created to act, their is no problem with it provided it doesn't affect the gameplay and it's amazing features. 
  8. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Boblee in What games do you wish you could play, but can’t on your platform?   
    Lots of reasons attached in the article you shared. The PC gamer really made reasons best known why he choose PC over consoles not causing rift through his selection. 
  9. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Withywarlock in Which video game can you brag about, no one outshines you?   
    I don't see any need bragging over a game which we've thoroughly mastered. No one is a perfectionist, I try my best to satisfy myself playing my favourite game and not challenging anyone over a video game that I'm the best. 
  10. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Joshua Canler in List the most important games from your childhood/teen years   
    I've played contra, especially contra 4, played super Mario too. But my favourite childhood to date is FIFA series. 
  11. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Family sedan in What is a game you have played that you would bet no one else here has?   
    What matters most is that you love the game, it doesn't matter who played it here and there, because normally others have even played it before you. 
  12. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Family sedan in Which video game can you brag about, no one outshines you?   
    I don't see any need bragging over a game which we've thoroughly mastered. No one is a perfectionist, I try my best to satisfy myself playing my favourite game and not challenging anyone over a video game that I'm the best. 
  13. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Shagger in Which video game can you brag about, no one outshines you?   
    Pride and self satisfaction with what you have accomplished in a game as well as confidence in yourself to be competitive are not bad things, but when one crosses over into arrogance it becomes a problem. Bragging is a bad look on anyone as it just doesn't project the message that the one doing the bragging thinks. So you've pretty much mastered a game, good for you, but if you're not enough without the acknowledgement from others, trust me when I tell you that you will not be enough with it.
  14. Sad
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Heatman in Do you get fatigued by some types of games faster than others?   
    Bad posture for gaming is one of them no doubt. And another which is inevitable too, it's the act of playing too long. Those two factors definitely makes me weak. 
  15. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to killamch89 in List the most important games from your childhood/teen years   
    Metal Gear Solid Half Life/Half Life 2 Unreal Tournament  Devil May Cry Gran Turismo Need For Speed Underground/Most Wanted Burnout 3 SSX Tricky Super Smash Bros Melee GTA 3/Vice City/ San Andreas Mortal Kombat Trilogy Bloody Roar 2 Soul Calibur Dead Or Alive Crazy Taxi Driver 2 Tony Hawk Pro Skater Pokemon Silver Deus Ex Mass Effect I'll stop at 20. I could name so many more games but I'll stop at these.
  16. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to m76 in List the most important games from your childhood/teen years   
    There were so many it would be hard to list them all. Here are 10 of the best.
    Test Drive III: The Passion 1990, this was basically my introduction to PC gaming, and as a kid I was obsessed with cars, so this game blew my mind. I've played some games before this one on other systems but I wasn't much about videogames before this one, this changed everything. I immediately wanted a PC. But it was at least a year later until my parents had the opportunity to buy a retired PC from the company they worked for.  For an 8 year old a year is an eternity. Stunts. 1991 This was my favorite racing game for years, mainly due to it having a track builder. I used to plan maps on paper during the day while I was in dreary boring daycare, that I would build after I got home in the evening. Doom II 1994 The first FPS game that I really liked, John Romero is a genius for the level design of this game is another level, a level that I haven't seen since. if someone asked me to name the most perfect videogame this would be it. The Need of Speed 1995. The racing game that stepped up realism to an adequate level, everything before this was a joke, now we were getting serious. Command & Conquer 1995. My real introduction to real time strategy. I played Dune II but it was just a game for me it didn't really stand out. But C&C was a genre defining game, and it's sequel, Red Alert ended up as my most anticipated game ever, dethroned only by The Last of Us Part II. Transport Tycoon Deluxe 1995. The most satisfying game, one I still occasionally play to this date. There is no other game like it. It is timeless. I indeed played it this year too. That is 26 years later, I just want you to feel the weight of that. Other games become obsolete and not really satisfying to play without modern upgrades and remasters. Carmageddon 1997. I've mentioned my obsession with cars, but it's only half of the story, I was/am also obsessed with crashing cars, and this was the first game that allowed that with any kind of realism. So of course it become an instant favorite. The first game I stayed up until 1 am to play. Half Life 1998. If Doom II is the perfect game level design wise, this is the perfect one gameplay wise, shooting was never so visceral and enjoyable before, or since. I completely forgot time when this came out, and I only realized after 4am that I probably should go to sleep. That never happened to me since then, a complete loss of sense of time. System Shock II 1999. The most creepy and atmospheric game ever created. Bioshock is a mainstreamized knock off of System Shock, nothing more, this is the real deal. Gut wrenchingly scary, complex, but not overbearing. DeusEx 2000. Finally the model game that all games should be trying to dethrone as the best immersive simulator. Unfortunately that still hasn't happened to this date.
  17. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Family sedan in Last Game Played   
    F1 2020
  18. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to killamch89 in Music while working   
  19. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Boblee in Does anyone prefer gaming without followers/companions?   
    There are so many of them to choose from. I'm sure you must have played many of them but probably didn't understand it well. 
    Here are so many of them to pick from. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is by favorite. 
  20. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Heatman in Puzzles in Video Games   
    Yes of course, I still play with him. Although he's old now at about 89 years, he still beat me most of the time. He's a genius. 
  21. Haha
    Head_Hunter reacted to Heatman in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    Personally, I would give anything to lay my hands on Playstation 5 right now. Even if it means working for free for Sony for 2 months after they gift me the console. 
  22. Haha
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Heatman in Video game trailers   
    Micro-transactions have simply entered into the world of video games. That's one thing I never loved cos I don't have plenty to be upgrading all the time. They shouldn't make me sell my PS4 off 😅😅. 
  23. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to killamch89 in Character Crossovers and Cameo's. Yay or nae?   
    I don't even play Genshin Impact but I find it ridiculous that people would make a big fuss about another character from a different series making a cameo in a game you play. Personally, I do like that sort of thing - it certainly adds a bit of surprise factor because you may be familiar with that character from the original series but how will they perform in this universe.
  24. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Shagger in Character Crossovers and Cameo's. Yay or nae?   
    A about 3 months ago, it as announced that Aloy from HZD would become a free 5 star playable character in the FTP online Anime style RPG game Genshin Impact. I'm not fully versed on how exactly premium characters work in the game, but I do know that 5 star rated characters tend to be costly, so for this one to be offered for free, all be it in the wake of a cross portion deal, is something I'd describe as very fair. Aly was made available for PlayStation 5 players first last month, she was added in a patch for players on other platforms a few days ago.
    I have played Genshin Impact a little and, even though it didn't really get it's claws into me, I recognise it as a decent game that certainly worth a try. And given that HZD is one of my favourite games with Aloy being one of my favourite protagonists, I appreciate this.
    However, a portion of the PC players have taken a very different stance going so far as to even call A'y's inclusion as "an insult". Some hate Aloy's inclusion so much they have actually made an effort to delete her completely form thier accounts. More details on this from Dexerto.com.
    Now, dimensional travel is thing in Genshin Impact, so for characters from other games or other established lore's and stories to become a part of the game makes sense within it's worlds rules. This may have been a part of miHoYo's long term plans for the game right from the beginning. Regardless, the common excuse that Aloy "doesn't fit" just doesn't fly with me. There is a theory going around that PlayStation wanted Aloy to be put in the game for promotional reason in exchange for thier cooperation to allow cross-platform saves on PlayStation for Genshin Impact. If that's true, than what we have here is a good thing happening for the wrong reason, but in the end the players got those cross platform saves and a free premium character out of it, so it was win for all all. The rage here does not make even a lick of sense to me. If it was really was immersion breaking and seriously mess with lore or cannon I'd get it, because I just don't see it that way.
    It's not like this sort of thing is anything new. I Remember skins themed arond Phantasy Star Online 2 and for 2B (Nier Automata) in Gravity Rush 2. Then there's Marvel Vs Capcom, a fighting games series themed around characters from universes that would never otherwise interact and don't connect at all. This just adds to my confusion on why Aloy in Genshin Impact has pissed people off so much.
    What other instances can you think of of characters making cameo appearances or being referenced in other games can you thing off and how do you feel about this sort of thing in general?
  25. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to killamch89 in Do you need special equipment in order to play?   
    It depends on a number of factors like what you do with your gaming setup. For instance, I'm also an animator, video editor and I plan to branch off into more things so I have a laptop and a portable monitor as well but I plan to get a full desktop setup once I move in the coming months.
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