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Oblivion Knight

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Oblivion Knight last won the day on October 19 2021

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About Oblivion Knight

  • Birthday October 21

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  1. Not really, the PS3 had a similar "beep" system (as does the PS5).. I've just gotten used to it. You'd think by now that Sony might have considered adding some kind of option to disable the beeps though.
  2. This is most likely a UK only thing.. but has anyone seen the recent reboot of the TV show with Sir Trevor McDonald? ..or did you watch the original with Sir Patrick Moore? I haven't yet personally, but it's been hailed as "an unexpected delight" so I may have to! I didn't really watch much of the original either in honesty, and actually used to prefer a show called Bad Influence. I should probably hang my head in shame at this point.. 😅
  3. I'm pretty sure that licensing will be an issue, because it always is.. Just recently the PS2 era of Metal Gear Solid games got taken off the PS3 store and PS Now service due to licensing. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/11/metal-gear-solid-2-and-3-hd-removed-from-ps-store-today-temporarily ..but regardless of that, there's also a lot of dross that gets released for consoles too. It makes no sense for some titles to be available that might only get downloaded once or twice in a year - if that. Of course, if Sony said they're just making "the most popular" games available, there's also the problem of everyone having their own opinion of what are the most popular games.
  4. There's been quite a few incredibly average video games based on movie counterparts, many of which are published by Disney or Dreamworks.. 😅 I actually liked Enter the Matrix 😝 - I didn't think much to the sequel (The Path of Neo) though..
  5. Final Fantasy XV on PS4.. They basically patched out 'Comrades' mode, and released it as a standalone title. Trouble is they originally added trophies to that mode, so if you allow the game to update you can no longer play it. The trophies can still be attained through Offline play, but I believe they're quite a bit harder than they used to be since it was intended to be an Online Co-op mode.
  6. The only beta testing I do is related to PS4 and PS5 system firmware, and sign-ups are often (not always) open to the public so it's not really anything special. I don't play too much in the way of multiplayer, so I don't really mind losing out on some functionality that often breaks as a result of conflicting firmware versions such as party chat. I mean, Sony even provide an option to revert back to the latest stable release anyway.. 🙂
  7. I think it's generally accepted these days that games are both easier and shorter than they used to be. Of course there's exceptions to the rule, and some people are just gluttons for punishment (ie. Super Meat Boy), but generally the poor attention span of kids pretty much force the hands of game developers in order to make their games "accessible".
  8. I remember whilst going for the "Seriously ..." achievement (10,000 multiplayer kills) in Gears of War on X360, my eyes pretty much started swaying in a similar motion to the running in the game, probably due to a lack of rest. Thankfully after putting down the controller for a couple of days and resting my eyes, everything returned to normal. It was pretty scary at the time though! 😬
  9. I doubt we'll ever see "real" gambling on games consoles, even more so with the recent goings on in the world of Sports, and both Sony and Microsoft have always been rightly reluctant to allow and/or certify it. It feels like we already have the closest we're going to get with microtransactions for more chips, and no way of exchanging those chips back for "real" currency.
  10. I've mentioned my backlog in a couple of other threads, but for those that are interested.. I've actually documented my PS3/PS4/PS5/Vita backlog. https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/78101-ixanons-lists-of-completions-platinums-unattainables-and-epic-backloggery/ It's somewhat embarrassing.. but I can't resist a good bargain! 😆
  11. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion I just didn't get it, and found it an absolute chore to play through. To me it felt overhyped and overrated. Needless to say, I didn't try Skyrim.. 😅
  12. I suppose you could consider Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy to be an adult game, though it's still only rated M and it wasn't hugely popular - I'd say that it has more of a cult following than anything.. it's sex scene is "interesting", but I won't spoil it even though the game is some 15+ years old. Otherwise the more obvious entries would be Manhunt (which got banned in a few countries, and almost got banned in the UK) and God of War (lots of boobs).
  13. Like you say, the movement of the character model looks a bit weird and unnatural. Aesthetically at least, the game does feel very much inspired by Silent Hill. Hopefully it can receive that bit of extra development time it needs to take it from being quite an average survival horror game, to a great one.
  14. Once again, a lack of love for Code: Veronica.. 🙄 but otherwise my list would probably be similar given that I don't have much experience with many of the newer titles. Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil Resident Evil: Code Veronica Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil 4 I'm not going to go further, because I don't have the personal experience to rank the other entries fairly..
  15. I know the X360 version of the HD remasters were pretty poor and never patched, but I believe the PS3 versions were marginally better..? ..and should anyone be interested in seeing just how bad they were, you're in for a treat.. 😜 Note that the PS3 versions did receive a patch after these videos were posted, but I'm unsure on exactly how much improvement there was.
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