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Everything posted by Techno

  1. Either the FBI is incompetent once again, or some people are doing a "Blame Canada".
  2. Most of the world is kinda done with Imperialism, expansion became too costly and deadly. It's all about trade now.
  3. Are you King of the Ireland or King of Idaho?
  4. Nothing really comes to mind, I don't really listen to alot of songs.
  5. Queen, and Bohemian Rhapsody
  6. I think the biggest problem when it comes with how websites handle extremism is that they don't ask the big question: Why are they being extreme? Something I see so little of, is people talking about why people do hateful things, they won't talk about the factors that lead to hate. A lot of hate is caused by a lack of understanding, people get angry when they don't really understand why something is happening to them, so they blame it on others because it's a lot more understandable than any outside factors that gave them the problems.
  7. I'm a huge history need, if it smells like history I'll end up digging though all the little bits of it.
  8. I think the first thing we should debate about, is what extremism is. For me, it's a intense reaction to things. The definition of extreme (according to Merriam Dictionary) is "going to great or exaggerated lengths", and "most advanced or thoroughgoing", this is more or less saying that extremes ,when it comes to politics, are a overabundance of reaction. The problem with extremism is that it becomes overly violent.
  9. @Heatman @Reality vs Adventure This was a debate that began over in the Unpopular Options, Reality suggested moving it over to debate. The question stands as: How Should A Website/Government Response To Extremism?
  10. I'm willing to do it. I'll tag both of you when I typed it up.
  11. @Heatman You are absolutely right about deradicalization not working on some people. The problem would then be where to put them. You couldn't just let them on the platform, but we can't just let them out into the deeper parts of the web, you've most certainly seen how toxic and hateful the surface web is, just imagine how bad the deep web is. I think when it comes to these type of people, there wouldn't be a answer that wouldn't involve some extreme measures. To be honest, I don't have the answers to that. I more of an optimist in people. We most certainly need to have a deeper conversation on this.
  12. Fair point, let me think of a response.
  13. I see what you mean, after all just letting them run wild is just as bad as getting rid of them. However, I believe more in deradicalization then just tossing the grenade over the trench wall. The grenade needs to be stopped for sure, but just tossing it will cause it to explode. Deradicalizing is like putting the pin back in place and taking apart the grenade, instead of it being a threat, it's now a harmless item. The problem isn't where the grenade is, it's the grenade itself.
  14. Man, it's even worse trying to get a 3ds, over a hundred thirty dollars for a used one. I feel bad for idiots like me who are now trying to get into the 3ds before it's ruined.
  15. I would expect $40 from Nintendo, but used games are skyrocketing, the digital store will get executed soon, so I was looking at physical games.
  16. Anyone else noticing how expense 3ds games are getting, I saw a bundle of games for 2k dollars. It's getting ridiculous!
  17. Banning extremists doesn't help in getting rid of extremism, all it does is throw them into the far more dangerous deeper regions of the web instead of the rational area where they can be given the proper help that they need. To expect social isolation to be able to deradicalized someone, when it will rather escalate the problem, will not only cause people to get more extreme, but also put them in far more dangerous places on the internet.
  18. The goal is simple, trigger the most amount of people in one post. The person who causes the most controversy wins! I'll run as a republican if I ever run for Congress.
  19. In a surprising turn of events that no one could have possibly expected, Russia has invaded the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Both regions have been declared independent countries by Russia. In response to this act of aggression, Germany has shut down Nord Stream 2 pipeline. A ton of sanctions will begin to flood into Russia. Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60468237
  20. Good point, Scotland and Wales are actually more or less able to self-govern themselves, it's could be reasonably compared to US. The UK is more or less a group of self-ran governments under the control of a federal government.
  21. Crossfire X, honestly I enjoyed it. It was just a nice break from professional games.
  22. Because even a stupid human has their own intelligence, notice how well they lead the nations of the world, notice how fast they can make YouTube videos, notice how well they enforce the law. Stupid people are better leaders than a smart person, because a smart person will overthink politics, while a stupid person will undermine it.
  23. Well very simple, we like watching animals at the zoo don't we? It's the exact same philosophy, we are entertained by what confuses us the most. A stupid man is a simple man, and that, is the most confusing part of a stupid man, to the smarter folks of the world.
  24. Race always seems kinda stupid to me, we all have a bit of similar blood. Especially in the America's where all of the world has met. It seems rather pointless to try and group people based on ideas of color instead of character.
  25. Can someone scoop me in on why the document says Hispanic, multiple races, does that just mean mixed race (White + Hispanic, Black + Hispanic, Asian + Hispanic, etc.) or is there something more I need to know about? Nevermind I didn't know it's considered a ethnicity.
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