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Everything posted by Techno

  1. Hey Look ITS Kirby, his game looks fun.
  3. Disney made their Mariokart lol.
  4. Anyone heard of Front Mission?
  5. It hasn't even come to the Playstation yet lol.
  6. Wait No Man's Sky is coming to the switch!
  7. Well Fire Emblem and Advanced Wars have just been shown.
  8. Not that I'm aware of, although I have a sneaking suspicion it was some government suggestions that made it happen.
  9. No like I mean even beyond those contracts, they not making COD exclusive. Xbox announced it a few hours ago.
  10. Xbox just announced that COD wont be exclusive.
  11. Yes, the closer to death you are, the more alive you feel afterwards.
  12. You are so ugly the EPA had every nuclear power plant investigated to make that you didn't come from a leak. You are so ugly blind people hang themselves after seeing you. You are so ugly it caused me to lose faith in goodwill towards all men.
  13. Those would be cool to see, but it's not gonna make me have a stroke, if it gives me a stroke, then it's a BIG announcement.
  14. Yeah, I expect to see some good purchases, but I do think Microsoft picked up the spicier ones.
  15. Good guess, my predictions is that it wont be as big and exciting as the last few directs.
  16. I do think the price is a little ridiculous, Destiny is a big franchise, but that's basically what Sony gotten as far as we know. We don't know about whatever else Bungie is working on, so it can't really be included as of yet. But even when Bungie shows off the two to three other games that bungie is working on, I don't think those other games are worth the asking price of 3 billion.
  17. Exactly, I can count 10+ games that basically died because they weren't delayed.
  18. Probably to the month, remember "What comes in must comes out".
  19. Nintendo uploaded something special. Here is the video:
  20. Ahem to that, when the winds are silent, that only means that a storm is coming.
  21. I'm good, it's a little bit too quiet in the world tho. That's usually a bad sign.
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