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Everything posted by Techno

  1. That's right, if the EU and Facebook doesn't come to a agreement over data and privacy, we could watch Facebook leave Europe. Source:https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2022/02/07/facebook-instagram-could-shut-down-in-europe-over-data-transfer/amp/
  2. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The rest has connections to gaming lol.
  3. I actually don't hate the idea of NFT's, they could be great ways of making poopy drawers like me actually able to sell art.
  4. I just thought up of more communities, Roblox has a pedo problem, the entire Playstation twitter community has been really toxic recently. And the COD fan base is at the point of a civil war.
  5. Techno


    Looks good, might check it out.
  6. What's the difference between dark humor and light humor? Cops only shoot at dark humor.
  7. From what I've seen the Minecraft community is a lot more toxic then people give it credit for. Like they constantly agree and bicker over the smallest things.
  8. Super important question: Is it a whole wi-fi that counts as a IP, or a single device?

  9. Wow that sucks, I really hope that's been fixed. Hopefully Decay 3 doesn't have that problem.
  10. State Of Decay 3 looks like it will be good, I just need to play the last two first.
  11. What happens if I believe in true gender equality and stab her back?
  12. Alright then mate, we'll see if I'm right or not.
  13. I saw this article today: https://www.polygon.com/22917752/gta-6-rockstar-games-grand-theft-auto-vi-confirmed They aint exactly finished it yet, but they're working on it.
  14. It's at least in active development, my guess would be 2024-2025 depending on the engine they're using for the game.
  15. Men are here for a good time, not a long time.
  16. It'll crash and burn, the biggest problem with Metaverse is that no one likes it, people aren't exactly happy with Meta, and every other company is just gonna mess it up somehow. So just be smart, and avoid the stocks like their the next Chernobyl.
  17. Welcome to VGR, glad you join this "lovely" place.
  18. Okay good, I don't have to call in a crusade.
  19. You're right, something sussy is going on. 15 year old boys are far too stupid to be having sex without disaster. This smells like a Discord moment.
  20. I really hope that's just for teens. Otherwise I gotta go call some friends of mine.
  21. I was just trying to get back on topic.
  22. For years the internet has had one question on its mind: What should the age of consent be? Well now its time to debate this question here on VGR.
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