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Everything posted by Techno

  1. Purple items? I dont kill people to loot them, I do it to EAT them. Whadda think I ate, Pizza Rolls?
  2. Mate I've been playing violent games for years now, and there are only three dead bodies in my basement. Cleary if video games made someone violent I would have more dead bodies in the basement.
  3. It depends on how insane the reveal is, the best trailers are the ones you wanted but didn't expect. Like take for example Metroid Dread, that's the type of trailer that is the best. The one that no one expects, but a ton of people wanted, makes the trailer fun to watch.
  4. Congrats on 16k members @DC
  5. Ahhhhh, the sweet sweet smell of ego in the morning. Gimme that good stuff. Oh boy that's a strong ego.
  6. It would honestly be more of a R-36M to a Stg 44. They didn't just pick up COD, they got Overwatch, WOW, Crash, Spyro, Skylanders, Blur, Hexxen, and so many more IP. They basically doubled their ip.
  7. I mean, its something, if this is real then I would love to know the pricing.
  8. Which just makes it funnier, they're just taking studios and games from PlayStation. It's not like Sony hasn't been doing the same thing, but Microsoft was bring missiles to a gunfight.
  9. You know what's funny, Microsoft was being mocked for years about had they had no exclusive games. Well it might have gotten to them. Cause they bout to have exclusive games alright.
  10. Quick question: What is the legality of me giving out Gold shoes pack codes for 2k22 from totino's pizza rolls? I don't play 2k22 but I do like be kind sometimes.

    1. Crazycrab


      Doesn't seem like there would anything wrong with it to me.

  11. Well, there's YouTube, Google Chrome, TheGoatHouse, Disney+, Tubi, and Hulu.
  12. Both democrats and republicans are trash. The problem isn't one or the other, it's both of them.
  13. Peta? The company that threw saltwater lobsters into fresh water? The company that told people that milk causes autism? Why do they think they should get thier character into smash. Besides, all Mario has to do is wrap his hand around Tasty Nugget and squeeze him until he explodes in order to win. Tasty Nugget is a lame character.
  14. Yeah it was bad, I was banned myself. I don't know what happened afterwards so he could still be a admin.
  15. Well, a admin was caught soliciting minors, then banned everyone who told him off or mentioned it.
  16. I have tired, but I ran out of money, and honestly trying to deal with it is way too difficult when your as stupid as me. Honestly just learn to code, and don't try to deal with developers.
  17. Welcome back, glad you returned.
  18. What E3 Event was the most terrible and why? For me it's that Take Two zoom call that happened in E3 2021, that wasn't even a E3 Event. It was a zoom call that E3 promoted.
  19. I'll nominate @StaceyPowers, she's posted a lot of good threads.
  20. I was talking more of government interference. I think Microsoft won't be legally allowed to make COD exclusive.
  21. I don't really think COD can legally be exclusive, but what's stopping them from say, exclusive content.
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