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Everything posted by Techno

  1. Out of all the empires that have ever existed, what Empire would ya be?
  2. We already hit 15.4k? How?
  3. It really depends, I don't mind when it's new characters. But when they change a characters appearance or preferences, it's really disingenuous, it's like saying: "We don't have faith that new characters can sell well, that's why we should make blank gay, or blank black".
  4. It will be another tier, Game Pass and Ubisoft+, and I'm sure extraction is not a permeant addition.
  5. You mates aint gonna believe me when I say this, I managed to get a nonpaying job as a video game reporter. I'm not joking, some mate in another place has hired me. My birthday wish is no longer friends, now I just wanna see how far I can get.

    1. DC


      Congrats! What's the website you will be writing for?

    2. Techno


      A brand new one lol. It's called 19news

      Here's the link since it's so new (please don't ban me the owner asked me too, and I'm trying to get on his good side): https://19news.forumotion.com/

  6. Good point, but when it's in their eyes...
  7. All I want for my birthday is some friends.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Techno


      That is the hottest babe of all time, where is her dms?

    3. Reality vs Adventure
    4. Techno


      Okay thanks man, I owe you one.

  8. That would be smart, until the weird people start liking it. People will find anything to get horny. That's why you use killer bees, they are met to kill people, not give them a fetish.
  9. As long as it is good. I hate how they slap people in for the sake of diversity and don't make them good characters. Like I just want good characters, good characters can come from anywhere.
  10. Slight problem with that, dung beetles are completely useless with World taking. My advice would be killer bees, those will be far more useful.
  11. What is your favorite gaming moment? Why is it your favorite gaming moment? For me it's probably exploring the world in BOTW. I'm a sucker for well thought out worlds. And BOTW had the biggest world I had played at that time.
  12. Ubisoft has announced that their service Ubisoft+ is coming to Game Pass, it will be a separate service, and no date has been announced yet. But Rainbow Six Extraction was also announced to be a day one game. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2022/1/5/22868704/ubisoft-plus-xbox-launch-rainbow-six-extraction-xbox-game-pass
  13. Meh, VR is too pricy for me. I don't mind the tech, but I'm more of a console guy myself.
  14. I don't know much bout him, but this was just really nice. Like I have respect for him now.
  15. There's like four that's been confined for 2022. Tunic looks really cute, S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 looks extremely good. CrossFireX looks interesting for me, I am interested in playing it. Starfield will be buggy, but Skyrim is one of my favorite games of all time. And If Hellblade 2 is a 2022 game then I will be very interested in it.
  16. The first big show of the year is releasing a episode very week until late February. So discuss the show down below.
  17. Funny thing is I wasn't around in 2002 when it came out.
  18. Most certainly, honestly I'm just laughing at how bad things have gotten. What can I say, I'm a sucker for irony.
  19. After the more than 3 hour ban in China happen, the NPAA has not approved of a single game since July. Beucase of this 14k companies have gone the way of the dodo. Soruce:https://kotaku.com/14-000-chinese-game-companies-have-gone-out-of-business-1848299632
  20. Wasn't the most retro per say, but it was a 2002 PS2 game called Ratchet And Clank. My father introduced it to me, and it was the game that got me into gaming.
  21. Towers, why is the map locked behind a fifty foot building? Why do I have to climb it? Like mate, if I wanted to climb a tower, I'd play a different game. Open World Game #6723 is not gonna impress me with a tower when Open World Game #2342 did it better.
  22. I think it was Halo 5, I didn't realize at the time how bad the game truly was. And just like Halo 2 it ended in a cliffhanger. But instead of it being cool, it just sucked. Like, looking back at it now, I only rushed it just to say I played every Halo game. But Halo 5 is awful. Do not play it.
  23. Ay woah woah woah, don't dis on Clone Wars, that's show does things better than Episode 1, 2, and 3
  24. You see, Reality knows the truth. We either put up with them in one state, or we suffer a invasion of Texans and Floridians.
  25. What is your goal in life?
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