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Everything posted by Yaramaki

  1. Would their be any way to add your xbox live gamertag or psn network id to your account, i could swear i've seen this feature on other boards before.
  2. Alright let's go the 3ds i must say i had a hard time knocking it down to 10 games, especially since the line up of the 3ds is so divers. If you weed out all the shovelware garbage, you may have one of the best libraries of any handheld. Figured i'd include a picture because why the hell not. I'll just put em in random order, i'd must say it's been quite a while since i've played my 3ds so excuse me if i can't go into detail : Ridge Racer 3D -> This was a launch game and the one i picked up alongside pilotwings when i got my first 3ds a few weeks after launch. The reason i'm including it is because at the time it made the best use of the 3d effect and that was quite impressing. Not only that but it's imo the best racing game on the 3ds and will keep occupied for many hours. I'd even say it's best racing game on any portable system. Dead Or Alive Dimensions -> While this up for debate, This is the best fighter on the 3ds. Infact i'd call it my favourite dead or alive game, A good amount of fighters and a whole story that takes atleast 15 hours to play trough. I'm not 100% sure but the story covers the first 4 games if i'm correct. All in all what i like most about doa is that it's easy to pick up and play, i don't have the time to put hundreds of hours into a fighter to become good anymore. Anyways there is plenty to unlock that will keep your busy for quite a while. Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -> I don't think this got ported elsewhere yet, yeah what do you get when you combine the puzzles from the professor layton series with the more visual novel style gameplay from phoenix wright, yep this game. It seemlessly combines the gameplay from both series and blends the best of both worlds into one game. If you're either a fan of the series try it out. Super Mario 3D Land -> probably had the best 3d effect of any game on the 3ds. It's 3d mario in 3D, not much more i can add. Hell lot of fun tough. New Super Mario Bros 2 -> Again this may also up for debate but if somebody would ask me what is your favourite 2d platformer i'm going to say Sonic. If somebody would ask me what is the best 2d platformer i'm going to say New super mario bros 2. Albeit a bit on the easy side, grinding towards a million coins has never been so much fun and satisfying. Zelda : A link between worlds -> spiritual successor to a link to the the past, kinda looks similair to it aswell. Man what more do you want me to say without spoiling anything go f***ing play it, it's a classic. Doubt this will get ported to any system soon so what are you waiting for, go online and buy it before it prices goes trough the roof. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns -> Well if you like farming games and life simulation games this is the one to get imo. I had to include atleast one of these games in my top 10 so let it be this one. Not much else to add other then that the 3ds is the perfect platform for these kinda games. Be sure to have a lot of free time tough. Epic Mickey Power of Ilusion -> Castle of Illusion is one of my favourite sega games of all time, this is a tribute to it but dare i say it's even better. Old school 2D platforming goodness at it's finest. The mean reason i'm including it, it makes the best use of the stylus in any game i have played on the 3ds. While you're at it go check out the first epic mickey on the wii because that's a classis too. Hometown Story -> This is a spin off of the harvest moon games, instead of a farm you run a shop. Instead of taking care of animals and whatnot, you go on a adventure, well to put it shortly because since you must be bored by now. It's a hyrbid between a life sim/management sim/rpg, what kept me really going that the town grows bigger once you progress trough the game. You can also get married and whatnot. The side characters are interesting in their own right. Too bad whenever i bring this game up, nobody played it or has even heard of it, well you get a second chance. Fantasy Life -> Hands down the best game on the 3ds, by far the game i put most hours on the system. I'm going to keep it short and hopefully you'll take my word for granted. If you have any slight interest in a jrpg or life sim, you need to play this game. Be prepared to kiss your social life goodbye and if you have a partner better tell them to you won't be having time for anything else in the next few months orso. And there you have it my top 10 3ds games. Apologies for the no doubt many grammar mistakes. I've always wanted to say this atleast once in my life but be sure to like and subscribe and why not comment down below. Peace!
  3. No zelda game should be remade, they have been milked dry enough already. I'd much rather like that nintendo put their efforts in a brand new game instead of rereleasing yet another one. Doesen't have to be zelda perse why not a brand new ip, clearly nintendo knows how to build a good open world. Green ranger use your special power and grab yourself a cheap wii u with a copy of wind waker, that version is most exellent, while you're at it grab yourself a copy of xenoblade chronicles x and btw all of the (early) portable zelda games are on the wii u eshop for one to enjoy.
  4. A few years back myself and a few fellow collectors started writing about the history of racing games, so far we have enough content for atleast a 1000 pages book, the problem is what do you include, do you include kart racers or not, do you include arcade only games etc etc. I wrote about 100 pages covering the entire need for speed franchise up until payback detailing every version/port released, hell even managed to interview devs from the first few games and the lead designer from need for speed rivals. All in all if we add pictures it could be 150 pages book alone, maybe publishing a paperback should be possible but you know by the time it could be published it's already outdated. I'm more into the idea to just create a website that's dedicated to racing games rather then a book but we'll see maybe we'll do a kickstarter to see if there is any interest for it. I'm not the main guy behind the project so i'll just leave it to them.
  5. Sorry i'm late to the party but Congrats glad for you man, from what i've read before you were wanting one a long ass time and coulden't get it, so enjoy it for what it's worth hope you have a hell of a good time with it. Forget about that gaming pc, you have so many great gaming experiences to catch up on, you just woulden't have time to play it😉
  6. Gta trilogy got a switch port, La noire was also released on the switch so just wondering what make you think nintendo cut all ties with rockstar?
  7. I agree what does it even matter how many posts you have, i rather do 2-3 posts a day that add something or may be meaningfull instead of posting 30+ posts a day that add next to nothing to the community. But who am i to judge, this has already been discussed before so no need to carry on.
  8. Give me a day or two to refresh my memory and i'll post my top 10 3ds games with some mini reviews orso. Need to check trough my 3ds collection for that
  9. I know it's not directed towards me, but if you don't mind i'll join in and say my favourites are since i have played em all : Ac 4 Black Flag -> While a departure from the original ac formula, the ship combat added another dimension and has probably the best main character after Ezio in any game. The world was a joy to explore and the story was great overall. Even the present story made sense since you were inflirtrating abstergo i'm not 100% sure but that part ended with a cliffhanger. I think with the ship combat as a main thing ubisoft could easily make a new ip out of it, i know they announced skulls and bones a few years back but we haven't seen anything or heard anything from it in years. Ac 3 Brotherhood -> That game pretty much perfected what made ac 2 so good, Rome is a joy to explore, the story is great. Ezio to this day is still the best main character in any ac game. The music was also pretty much spot on, only thing i could say negative wise the combat is way too easy, since you can pretty much just counter and attack and you never die really. They also added another dimensions that you can recruit you're own assasins and train them, altough the game becomes even more easier that way. Ac Oddysey -> I'm going to put this one above Origins and Valhalla, because it's the game i enjoyed the most out of the three. It had the best setting of the 3 and the best main character as far as i'm concerned, i played as kassandra and liked her much better then eivor and bayek. The world is a joy to explore and the side quests and dlc were actually fairly good something that cannot be said about valhalla, the mercenary's also added quite a challenge especially early game when you meet some that are 20 levels higher then you, so you have to hide or run at at any costs. The game isen't perfect but with dlc combined i'd put 200+ hours into. And as a bonest i'll include a 4th : Ac Unity -> Yep i should get my head checked, probably the most hated game in the series but that's because most people who slam this game never played it and just take whatever the internet says for granted. I played this a year after launch and if i'm being honest i diden't encounter any bugs at all, This was in my oppinion one of the first true games that did the ps4/xbox one honour, not only does it still look amazing to this day, Paris is beautiful especially by night, you have these crowded areas that we haden't seen in any game at all at the time. The game also encouraged stealth and offered different options to kill your character that was quite new at the time, something they dropped all together in recent games, where you can just murder 30+ people and still be alive doesen't really make sense. I think the story is also one of the better in ac games. The co-up i felt like that was forced on for the sake off it, so i never bothered with that would be my only complaint. In the state the game is now i highly recommend you give this game a change (or a second one) you'll be suprised how good it is.
  10. Been about 10 hours in watch dogs 2. it's pretty good don't know why i failed to stick with the game a couple of years ago, but damn the world feels so alive , yesterday i noticed a woman beating her husbands car with a bat because she discovered he cheated on her. I had a guy giving me a punch because i toke a selfie and he was in it i guess. I think this may be the best open world i've seen from ubisoft so far despite the game being over 5 years old, map isen't too big either. Good likeable side characters aswell.
  11. I doubt by buying Activision Blizzard Microsoft will pass sony in terms of console sales. Something They probably realised that by now, you know it's better activision blizzard is bought by microsoft then some shady chinese or saudi arabian invest company.
  12. Between my parents place and mine I've got around 11k games and these days I'm a pure japanese region games collector as you may have seen so no it's not going to be same to what blackangel has, besides it's never my intend to compete with her or anybody for that matter, everybody should do their own thing what they like and that should stay that way. While despite her claims she hate 99,99% of the people on earth, she seems like a nice person i could probably talk with hours on end and have a good time with no doubt about it. While on the subject I'd be stoked if fellow posters on vgr.com would say damn that idiot from Belgium is right, i can buy physical copy of the game i want, like hell i'm going to bother with a digital download or atleast think about it for a minute you'd be a legend if you do.
  13. I'm not really into showing off, but since you want me to i'll get around taking pictures in the weekend, tought i had taken them but for only half of the games. I should Probably open a new thread for it since we're getting way off topic in this one.
  14. Retro game prices are insane at this moment, if you look what some stuff is going for in todays market it makes your head spin, it kind of makes me want to bank on some of the stuff i have and don't really need anymore but it such a pain in the ass and time consuming to sell it, take multiple pictures of items, list them on ebay, pack ship them out etc etc. Some swich games are already in the 100$ and above mark especially the early stuff from limited run and super rare games. If you have those and don't need em anymore probably now is the time to get rid off them. I don't really collect for the switch eventough i probably have around 150 ish games for it but those are titles that i'm interested in playing in the future or now. Nintendo games don't really drop in price and tend to hold their value so may aswell get em while they are avaible,most are always a safe bet to get a collectible game down the line especially if you keep it sealed. Take xenoblade chronicles x for example unless it gets ported to the switch and if you are willing to gamble that's a future 100$+ game because if we're being honest it's also the only original game you should keep a wii u around ( and both zelda hd ports). That is with nintendo you never know they may port it over in the future.
  15. Well to be honest it was never my intention to get that may systems, i already had more then enough and the most interesting ones by the time i had every game for the system probably somewhere in 2014, i toke a break for a few years until somebody started teasing me why i diden't have every system and variant gamewise ,my interest was peaked again and the rest is history i guess. I'd say it toke me about 10 orso years to get them all breaks included. money wise i can't really remember but in todays market you'd probably be looking at 4 grand but probably more. I haven't really followed prices to be honest, i know the ogre battle set went for 350 alone and the hanshin tigers variant you're probably looking at 250-300 if you're lucky. If you want i can post the rest of my neo geo pocket collection inc all the games, variants some store demos and some other crap.
  16. I found that GT 6 Still holds up well today, the gameplay is still solid as a rock and graphic wise let's say a lot of games on ps4/xbox one don't look as good as GT 6. The only problem i have is the ps3 controller is shit for playing racing games. Why sony never ported it over to ps4 remains a mystery to me.
  17. Ha it wasen't that special to be honest i already forgot i posted that, it was video game collecting related what else could it be and if you're really wondering what it was, i finished up my japanese neo geo pocket system collection, one of my favourite handhelds of all time, yeah it's about time that i get a life :
  18. I've noticed this to be a trend in racing games and especially forza horizon it's noticeable, there are cars that cost 15 million credits, you can never gather that much credits even by winning all the races. You can either win some trough a wheelspin if you're lucky or you have to grind countless hours. I get a ferrari 250 gto or a mclaren f1 just to name a few are amongst the rarest cars in the world, but they shoulden't be unobtainable in a video game.
  19. The question is who on earth is waiting for facebook to make a console. Nobody was waiting for google to enter the console market and look what happened to that. Even with all the money in the world you are going to either come up with a groundbreaking idea or a game that everybody wants to play let's just say invent the next fortnite and facebook has neither of that. Unless they start buying up studios aswell, but why would they it would bring more hate from gamers above all. Surely you can lure the best on most promising devs/engineers towards your company but that doesen't isen't a guarantee to success.
  20. Any specific reason why? I get skipping the busy work but do you also skip the more important side quests then?
  21. Kingdom come deliverance forces you to eat, not only that but food can get spoiled over time and your character will remind you when they are hungry. You will here the phrase i'm feeling kinda hungry quite often especially early game. It's a game everybody into rpg's and medieval period atleast should have played once. Another game i can vaguely remember altough i don't like bringing it up is shenmue 3 i believe your health is going down if you haven't eaten in a while or when you were involved in a fight health doesen't automaticly recover. But the less said about shenmue 3, the better. Think Far cry primal (god who remembers that game) also had something similair that you coulden't acess the snowy mountains if you diden't have a certain clothing item or you would freeze to death. Same with Biomutant where you had to obtain a special suit first before you could enter a toxic area. I think Tamagotchi should be worth mentioning, since every kid in the late 90 ies had one of these. Man how many times mine died 😄
  22. Looks like i won't be getting any mail sometime soon, since japan post suspended delivering mail to europe and since it's been pilling up so here is the stuff from the past 2 months orso. Meanly stuck with the 3 systems i'm meanly collecting for at the moment japanese xbox, xbox 360 and wii u. Og Xbox pick ups, think i'm down to 175 out 222 games released in japan, so it's just a matter of chipping away at it, got most of the expensive stuff already, hopefully i can complete it this year well if i don't get sidetracked that is : Xbox 360. trying to round out the collectors editions, pretty sure i have 90% of the collectors editions released in japan now, as for games i'm not really far off to have everithing it's just a matter of feeling to get all the sports games : And wii u, i've got some found memories for the system so that's why i collect for it. One of my top 10 jrpg's off all time is still trapped there btw. There are only a little over 100 physical games released in japan so it's something i'm aiming for to complete. Not going super hard on it, if i can find a deal i'll take it but i'm not in a rush. Also a lost shikigami no shiro limited edition on the ps2 because i had no clue where to put it : And the best for last, i need to stop buying dreamcast consoles since it's going to ruin me haha. Now i see how much i suck at taking pictures, anyway got a good deal on it, in terms i can easily make a profit on it if i was to sell it on ebay. But it's a keeper, it's said only 200 were made, but it shows up a little too often for that so probably more like 2000. This is probably going to be one of the best picks up of the year for me, very happy with it, it looks like it's never been used until i tested it out :
  23. I agree, at the end of the day is it really worth bothering, sueing that website is likely going to take time/effort and money seems like a waste of both.
  24. For me it is usually a day, when i finish a game i usually don't feel like starting a new game the very same day.
  25. Best advice if you don't need the money or space don't sell your old consoles, fat chance you are going to regret it later well maybe not right away but give it a few years time and it be like damn wish i could play that game again.
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