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Knight Barida

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    Knight Barida got a reaction from killamch89 in Remakes/Remasters You Want To See.   
    I am looking forward to the remake as well. I've seen a couple of gamers become optimistic about the remake of MGS 3 being a good one and I hope Konami don't disappoint.
  2. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from killamch89 in Have you ever attended a gaming convention or event? What Was The Experience Like?   
    I was a part of one local gaming event in my town many years ago. It was organised in a way to ensure that the Xbox gaming community know more about their products. I connected and made a couple of friends, but that was many years ago.
  3. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from killamch89 in What's Your Favorite Video Game Genre   
    I am the type that prefers RPGs games. I mean, I want to feel like the firepower man who is controlling a lot of ammunition. That is definitely what keeps me going whenever that I am playing that kind of game. When it comes to Role Playing games, Star Wars is still my favourite game.
  4. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from killamch89 in What song is currently your favourite to listen to at the moment?   
    The song that I am currently listening to at the moment is Hello by Adele. I had to go back to that song because of how good the lyrics are. It is helping me connect with the reality at the moment. 
  5. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from killamch89 in What's Your Shower Jam?   
    Thugs Get Lonely Too by 2pac is my shower song. I connect well with that song most of the times.
  6. Thanks
    Knight Barida reacted to DC in VGR Member of the Month - April 2022 Nominations   
    This is the official Member of the Month - April 2022 Nominations Thread. The winner will receive 500 VGR Forum Points which can be used in Bid for Rewards.
    Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community.
    You only nominate 1 member and you cannot nominate yourself. @kingpotato won March MOTM and thus is not eligible for this month.
    Nominations end April 30 at 10pm EST then a new thread will be created for voting. Please keep all thread replies strictly to nominations - no anecdotal discussions/comments.
  7. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Family sedan in What purposes can games serve?   
    Gaming is a bit difficult and frustrating when we fail to win 🤣🤣😂. That is always the moment we wish there is something we can do to win again. 
  8. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Family sedan in What purposes can games serve?   
    Especially when you win. The excitement is always different when we play games and win. I mean you get to enjoy it more instead of when such game is difficult to play.
  9. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Family sedan in What purposes can games serve?   
    The gaming world gained a lot of members during the Corona virus era. Most of the people at home decided to be playing games in order to keep their body and soul busy.
  10. Haha
    Knight Barida reacted to DC in VGR being Plagiarized (incompetently) by igamenews   
    I am waiting for this thread to be copied. 😅
  11. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Withywarlock in What do you do when you encounter a game-breaking bug with no simple workaround?   
    Whenever I experience a bug or glitch on a game that I am playing and couldn't work my way around it, I simply wait for a patch (update) and try again later. This is because trying to find a way around it could be frustrating as well.
  12. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Knight Plug in 10 years, with no new Silent Hill game...   
    They rested on the laurels of making one of the best games then. The push to build better versions must have died down.
  13. Thanks
    Knight Barida reacted to DC in VGR being Plagiarized (incompetently) by igamenews   
    I agree. It's a bot that scrapes community posts. These communities are inactive/dead, no real users or legitimacy. It's not worth our attention. If it was a legitimate community then I would file a DMCA. It's just not worth it.
  14. Like
    Knight Barida reacted to Heatman in Do you like to use overpowered abilities/weapons, or do you avoid them?   
    The kind of weapons that I would like to make use of depends on the kind of enemies that I have to deal with. If they are too rough and tough, a better weapon is needed. 
  15. Haha
    Knight Barida reacted to Techno in Games that you wished were on a PlayStation console.. but aren't?   
    Any Mario game, the reactions alone would be legendary. 
  16. Thanks
    Knight Barida reacted to Rainbow Road in Hey all?   
    I'm Rainbow Road! Here to chat with you all about Gaming! 
  17. Thanks
    Knight Barida reacted to Altair in Did you ever tally your win-loss record against people?   
    That is something that never crossed my mind of doing. I'm not sure why though considering I use do that with basketball games as a kid. I would care enough as a kid. 
    Today I would not care about all at doing that.
  18. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Knight Plug in The Last of Us: I think multiple games are coming soon!   
    The year has just begun and I think lots of game, Last of Us 2 being part, will be released this year. The covid issues seems to be dying down and majority of developers will use this period to penetrate the market better.
  19. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from StaceyPowers in I love the percentage completed feature in PS5   
    I play on PS4 and it has the feature that guides you towards knowing how long you will have to play to complete a mission. Such guides are wonderful since it tells you what time it will take you to complete each phase.
  20. Haha
    Knight Barida reacted to Justin11 in The Cruel King and the Great Hero   
    You got some animé video games you always come up, most of them are just funny more than the way their game-play appears. 
  21. Like
    Knight Barida got a reaction from kingpotato in Fortnite favorite skin   
    This is lovely! That's gonna be my pick when I am asked to make a choice because of how cool that it is.
  22. Haha
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Heatman in WWE 2K22 - To Arrive March 2022 - New Trailer   
    Meditation is good, but why not try yoga? Yoga is an exercise that assist you to control your mind especially when a difficult moment is before you and you need to act.
  23. Haha
    Knight Barida got a reaction from Heatman in WWE 2K22 - To Arrive March 2022 - New Trailer   
    Agression and showing some signs of losing temper is welcome by me when it comes to gaming. Just don't destroy the TV please...lol.
  24. Haha
    Knight Barida reacted to Justin11 in What's your favorite PC game?   
    Yes, most of them do it intentionally, conclude on the data analysis on their own, thinking is the way forward. 
  25. Like
    Knight Barida reacted to Justin11 in Android 12 Beta Is Here And It Looks Like It's Packing Some Heat   
    Data science is magnificent indeed. It has helped get what's discussed often in a given site. Google makes use of it too, to spread ads all over a site per it's discussions. 
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